
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Lodge Trips

The Tararua Tramping often has what are known as lodge trips, where members stay at a lodge, and use it as a base for various trips and activities.

This page provides information on those lodges for both participants in the trips, such as how to get there, and for leaders, such as lodge contact and facility information. Of course if you help the keep it up to date it it will be better and even more useful.

Highland home

A camping complex developed to cater for many and varied groups. The camp is situated on the western slopes of the Ruahine Ranges, in the beautiful Pohangina Valley, overlooking the Totara Reserve and the Pohangina River with its bush walks and hills.

Camp Wainui

Waikuku Lodge (DoC)

Pukepuke Lodge (DoC)

Puketoi Lodge

Kawhatau Outdoor Education Centre

It has
6 x 8 bunk rooms
3 x 4 bunk rooms
1 x classroom
Dining / Kitchen with 2 stoves, fridge and freezer plus all pots, pans, cutlery etc
Lounge has wood burner so it should be pretty comfortable

Kawhatau (shown on the map as Upper Kawhatau) is approx 14 km east of Mangaweka (where the aeroplane cafe is) .

  • turn right off SH 1 at Mangaweka (just through town)
  • cross the Rangitiki River,
  • turn left and head for Lower Kawhatau (approx 2 km)
  • then head for Upper Kawhatau (approx 10 km)

Kawhatau Base Hut (DoC)

This hut was removed from the DoC website in 2014 because access is no longer available (used to be through private land). The only access to the hut now is via a 9 km walk up the river.

Boyle River, Lewis Pass

The Camphouse, North Te Papakura o Taranaki (DoC)

Konini Lodge, Dawson Falls, Te Papakura o Taranaki (DoC)

Robson's Lodge, Kaweka (DoC)

Borland Lodge, Lake Monowai

Holdsworth Lodge, Wairarapa (DoC)

Taumarunui High School Hostel

  • up to 47 people(approve sites)
  • available during weekends and holidays
  • operates on a 'leave it as you find it basis'
  • modern kitchen, dining room, lounge, games room

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click to see gallery

Photo: Marianne
2009-03-07 18.37.57; '2009 Mar 07 18:37'
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Photo: Marianne

Morison Bush

Not a lodge trip, but a camping weekend on the Ruamahanga River between Carterton and Martinborough.


Hawke Bay, NE of Waipukurau


  • Akitio Community Centre(approve sites) 4 12 bunk dormitories
  • 75 kms se of Dannevirke

Pirongia Forest Park Lodge

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Sixtus Lodge

This is a great venue for club trips. The lodge was opened in 1978 to cater for the out door education needs primarily for children in the Manawatu. It is on the western side of the Ruahines 16 km east of Apiti which is about 60km from Feilding(approve sites) (near Palmerston North for the geographically misplaced)

Getting there: when going through Feilding look out for either South or East streets on your right, (depending on which way you come into Feilding). Turn right into them and follow your nose into Kimbolton Road. (see map).

  • get on to the Feilding - Kimbolton - Mangaweka Road, a couple of Km past Kimbolton turn right for Apiti (approx 15km from Kimbolton)
  • go straight through Apiti and take SECOND turn right (approx 5km from Apiti) into Table Flat Road
  • at next intersection (Y) go rightish and continue to end of Table Flat Road (approx 12km from turn off)
  • Sixtus Lodge is in Limestone Road on the right and sign posted. Limestone Road is well formed but becomes narrow and windy towards the end. The final 6 km is unsealed.

The lodge has a carpeted central lounge, ablutions, a washing machine (cold water only), two large bunk rooms (sleeping about 20 each), 2 small bunkrooms (each 6) and a cottage (2 x 2). It has a well equiped kitchen with 2 stoves, instant hot water, microwave, fridge, deep freezer, kitchen utensils, crockery, cutlery and a barbeque outside. Also a drying room, games room (table tennis), and 6ha of grounds with large grassed areas and a botanical walk. Its a great venue to bring bikes to. Close by are tramping and walking opportunities, a limestone streamway with glowworms, and it is a great place to relax.

Bring your own: pillows, bedding, towels and toiletries. Take your rubbish home.

Costs: adults $20 per night, children $10 per night[1](approve sites)

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Photo: Sian
2008-07-15 16.34.49; '2008 Jul 15 16:34'
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Photo: Sian

Tararua Lodge

Our own Tararua Lodge is a great place to go with many local activities, and an often used venue for lodge trips, particularly at New Year and Easter. Naturally it is open during the ski season (see our winter activities pages) for usage and booking information.

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Taylor Memorial Lodge

Taylor Memorial Lodge(approve sites) is located(approve sites) on Pokaka Road off State Highway 4 12.5 km south of National Park Village or 20 km north of Ohakune. The lodge is a purpose built facility for school and youth groups, with good facilities(approve sites) accommdating up to 48 people, in bunkrooms sleeping 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:52

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