
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Winter Activities

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Simon express chair
Photo: Simon
2011-10-21 13.25.33; '2011 Oct 21 13:25'
Original size: 4,000 x 3,000; 5,189 kB
Simon express chair

Photo: Simon

Winter activities

Skiing and Boarding

Throughout the ski season the Tararua Tramping Club runs weekend and week-long trips to our lodge at Whakapapa on Mount Ruapehu from where members can ski, ski-tour, snowboard, and climb. Alpine instruction trips are also based here. snow ski and board trips

-< FullName="Photos.TararuaLodge-Gallery"; group="Photos"; name="Whakapapa-Gallery,Turoa-Gallery,TararuaLodge-Gallery"; thumbname=""; thumbskip="*.gif|*.png|*_omit*"; count="1"; thumbcount="1"

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Photo: Simon
2009-10-07 18.36.25; '2009 Oct 07 18:36'
Original size: 4,000 x 3,000; 4,695 kB

Photo: Simon

-< FullName="Photos.TararuaLodge-Gallery"; group="Photos"; name="TararuaLodge-Gallery"; thumbname=""; thumbskip="*.gif|*.png|*_omit*"; count="1"; thumbcount="1"

click to see gallery

Photo: Simon
2009-07-04 12.18.31; '2009 Jul 04 12:18'
Original size: 4,000 x 3,000; 4,867 kB

Photo: Simon

Tararua Lodge - the Club's Alpine Lodge

Many ski trips are held at Tararua Lodge, our club's alpine lodge situated right on the Whakapapa Ski field on the northern slopes of Mt Ruapehu, a 15 minute walk from the top of the Rangatira Chair, or about a 45 minute walk from The Top of the Bruce depending on conditions.

Facilities at the lodge include 30 bunks in 4 bunkrooms, bathrooms with hot showers, drying room, full kitchen and dry stores, ski service area, comfortable lounge with stunning views of Whakapapa Ski field and Mt. Ngāuruhoe.

Tararua Lodge can also be booked by club members, non-members, and independent parties. For more information about the lodge and booking prices, click here or please contact Tararua Lodge Committee -> mailto:ttc [period] tararua [period] lodge [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website Vivienne Radcliffe on 021 948 634 or Vince Jennings on 027 437 8958

-< FullName="Photos.TararuaLodge-Gallery"; group="Photos"; name="Whakapapa-Gallery,Turoa-Gallery,TararuaLodge-Gallery"; thumbname=""; thumbskip="*.gif|*.png|*_omit*"; count="1"; thumbcount="1"

click to see gallery

Photo: Adrian
2008-07-16 11.35.29; '2008 Jul 16 11:35'
Original size: 3,072 x 2,304; 2,700 kB

Photo: Adrian

Ski Trips for Families and Children

The Club runs several ski trips for family groups to Tararua Lodge on the Whakapapa Skifield during the winter season, ranging from weekends to week-long trips.

For further enquiries, please contact Tararua Lodge Committee -> mailto:ttc [period] tararua [period] lodge [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website Vivienne Radcliffe on 021 948 634 or Vince Jennings on 027 437 8958, come along to any Tuesday night club meeting or contact vacancy -> mailto:ttc [period] tararua [period] lodge [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website .

For information about other ski trips run by the club, check our snow fixture card.

For more information about the other kinds of family trips run by the club, click here.

Whakapapa Expenses

Here's an idea of the costs for a typical weekend at the Tararua Tramping Club Ski Lodge.

TTC Boarding, Skiing, Snow, and Lodge activities
Request to join by email -> mailto:ttc [period] skiing+owner [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Please subscribe me to ttc [period] skiing&Body=Please provide any further information here
Visit ttc.skiing email group
Post to ttc [period] skiing group -> mailto:ttc [period] skiing [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Post from TTC website
Unsubscribe by email -> mailto:ttc [period] skiing+unsubscribe [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Unsubscribe&Body=Send email now
Transport (ex Wgtn) $70


Club member $35
See Lodge Charges Non-member $55
And lift passes

-< FullName="Photos.TararuaLodge-Gallery"; group="Photos"; name="Whakapapa-Gallery,Turoa-Gallery,TararuaLodge-Gallery"; thumbname=""; thumbskip="*.gif|*.png|*_omit*"; count="1"; thumbcount="1"

click to see gallery

Photo: Simon
2010-07-10 17.14.16; '2010 Jul 10 17:14'
Original size: 4,000 x 3,000; 5,887 kB

Photo: Simon

How do I join in?

Upcoming ski trips are listed on this website, and in the monthly Tararua Tramper magazine.

To sign onto a trip, contact the leader of the trip to discuss the trip, transport arrangements (usually a car pool), and equipment. If there is an assigned leader, put your name on the trip list on the website. website

If the trip is listed as 'Self Cater' put your name on the list and contact the Ski CommitteeTararua Lodge Committee -> mailto:ttc [period] tararua [period] lodge [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website Vivienne Radcliffe on 021 948 634 or Vince Jennings on 027 437 8958. A minimum of 3 people is required to occupy the lodge.

The club has 3 pairs of ski touring skis and skins. These can be hired from the gear room but you are responsible for having an expert fit your boots to the skis.

For more information come along to one of the regular club meetings and chat with a member of the ski committee.

Page last modified on 2024 May 09 09:28

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