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Brief and entertaining weekly activity summary reports to be read out at Club Night, should be emailed to the Weekly Activity Reporters -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website. Photos are a welcome addition, but the report should include:
- the route taken
- the number of club members and non-members tramping
- the weather and track conditions
- some salient details worthy of note.
This enables the report back to each Club Night, and the collating of trip statistical information.
Full length trip reports with photos intended for this page and for publication in The Tramper can be emailed to its editor Peter Reimann -> mailto:ttc [period] tramper [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 938 9602
Trip reports submitted by club members to the Tararua Tramper.
- Includes trips published in the Tararua Tramper from 2005 March up to and including 2024 July
Trip reports with photos
- 2024-10-16-Mt Reeves Along tracks to Mt Reeves & Waiohine Gorge
- 2024-10-16-Akatarawa Forest Path Along forestry roads & gorge travel
- 2024-10-05-Banks Peninsular Along the Banks Peninsular Walkway
- 2024-10-02-Wellington Along tracks near the Skyline walkway
- 2024-10-02-Ruapehu Exploring around Waihohonu Hut
- 2024-09-29-Wellington Visiting streams in Wellington
- 2024-09-18-Zealandia Walking tracks in Zealandia
- 2024-09-11-Wellington Ascending peaks around northern Wellington
- 2024-09-04-Korimako Track A broken wrist on a Wednesday walk
- 2024-08-28-Ōrongorongo Clearing pampas and gorse
- 2024-07-17-Marchant A long day on Marchant, on & off-track
- 2024-07-17-Kapiti Along the Kāpiti coastline & Waikanae River
- 2024-07-10-Percy Scenic Reserve Along tracks in reserves & Sugarloaf Lookout
- 2024-07-01-Timor A guided crossing of Timor-Leste
- 2024-06-29-East Harbour Regional Park Butterfly Creek & along the tops
- 2024-06-12-Whareroa In Whareroa & up to The Rocks
- 2024-06-12-Mangaone Off track travel from the Mangaone walkway
- 2024-06-08-Waerenga A weekend at Waerenga with good food
- 2024-06-05-Wainuiomata The Pack Track, Whakanui & Solomons Ridge
- 2024-06-05-Smith Creek Smith Creek Waterfall & later installing permolat markers
- 2024-05-29-Zealandia 10km of Zealandia tracks
- 2024-05-25-Wellington Saunas & swimming in Princess Bay
- 2024-05-24-Kapiti Tracks & huts from Otaki Forks to Kapakapanui
- 2024-05-04-Boar Bush Gully A day of cutting gorse & cups of tea
- 2024-05-01-Wellington Hills & valleys & reserves in urban Wellington
- 2024-05-01-Farm Creek Up Farm Creek & down Shepperds Stream
- 2024-04-29-Milford-Kepler Two Great walks out of season.
- 2024-04-26-Ruahines Tricky river travel with waterfalls
- 2024-04-10-Tauwharenīkau Tracks & off-track near Dobsons, Pylon Road, & Puffer
- 2024-03-20-Tararuas Up Reef Creek to Blue Range hut
- 2024-03-17-Lewis Pass-Nelson Lakes From Boyle River to Sabine River
- 2024-03-15-Southern Crossing Southern Crossing overnighting at Field & Alpha
- 2024-03-13-Plimmerton Wairaka Walkway around the coast plus an alternative detour
- 2024-03-13-Mathews South Saddle Up a spur and a siddle to South Saddle
- 2024-02-28-Tararua SAR search for a TTC member
- 2024-02-23-Ruapehu Work party on lodge roof & windows
- 2024-02-18-Mt Victoria Walking Along the coast & tracks near Mt Victoria
- 2024-02-14-Remutaka A challenging climb of Kotumu in gale winds
- 2024-02-10-Tauwharenīkau Gorge A river trip down the Tauwharenīkau Gorge
- 2024-02-06-Tauwharenīkau Some rough travel to Alloway Dixon Hut
Earlier trip reports with photos
- 2023-12-00-Holdsworth Powell & Atiwhakatu Huts plus Mt Holdsworth
- 2023-11-29-Mt Lowry A climb of Mt Lowry
- 2023-11-28-Whakapapaiti Travel on the round the mountain track
- 2023-10-11-Lake Hatuma Cycling at Lake Hatuma,Tikokina, & Patangata
- 2023-10-04-Neill Ridge Along Cone Ridge and Neill Ridge
- 2023-09-23-Konini Lodge Dawsons Falls & Kapuni Lodge from Konini Lodge
- 2023-09-20-Eastern Walkway Visiting Oruati Reserve & Pass of Branda
- 2023-09-16-Ruapehu Visiting Crater :Lake & climbing Paretetaitonga.
- 2023-09-08-Tongariro Climbing and exploring above South Crater.
- 2023-09-08-Hector Overnighting in Field and climbing Hector
- 2023-09-03-Ruapehu Alpine Instruction Weekend
- 2023-08-30-Hemi Matenga Ridge Two groups meet with anzac biscuits
- 2023-08-18-Paekakariki Escarpment South along the Escarpment Track.
- 2023-08-18-Mitre Flats A trip to Mitre Flats Hut and beyond
- 2023-08-05-Ruapehu A climb over the Dome to Summit Plateau
- 2023-07-19-Whareroa A circuit through Ramaroa Bush to Rocks lookout and Matai Bush
- 2023-07-12-Belmont Trig An unusual track to Belmont Trig
- 2023-07-05-Whakanui From Willis Grove to the McKerrow and Whakanui
- 2023-07-05-Pigeon Bush Rugged off track travel including Prince Stream.
- 2023-06-14-Butterfly Creek Korohiwa track to ButterflyCreek to Greenwood Park
- 2023-06-04-Miramar-Seatoun Paths & steps in Miramar & Seatoun
- 2023-05-31-Puketaha Up a Sinclair Creek spur to Puketaha
- 2023-05-24-Whakanui A circuit along the East Whakanui & Whakanui Tracks
- 2023-05-17-Mangaterere A loop to the tops on tracks in scrub & forest
- 2023-05-13-Waerenga Hut A High School trip to Waerenga Hut
- 2023-05-03-Tauwharenikau To Smith Creek for a game of cricket
- 2023-04-26-Ōtaki Fork A loop off-track & on tracks.
- 2023-04-26-Whitireia Walking around Whitireia Park
- 2023-04-15-Ruahine Visiting 3 Huts on the tops & in valleys
- 2023-04-12-Eastbourne Hills Up and down tracks in the Eastbourne Hills
- 2023-04-01-Mt Ruapehu Walks from the TTC lodge at Whakapapa
- 2023-03-25-Remutaka Range Rough travel up to Kotumu & south along tops
- 2023-03-05-Paekakariki Escarpment A sunny walk along the Escarpment track
- 2023-03-01-Wellington Botanic Gardens Lunch at the Botanic Gardens
- 2023-03-01-Eastern Hills Up & along Rata Ridge plus Lowry Lookout
- 2023-02-22-Ōtari-Skyline Tracks in Ōtari bush & up to Skyline
- 2023-02-19-Ōtari-Ngaio Along tracks in bush and Reserves
- 2023-02-17-Ruamahanga Tramping to Blue Range Hut & tubing the Ruamahanga
- 2023-02-08-Tawa Tracks & reserves near Tawa
- 2023-01-25-Whanganui E-Biking around Foxton and Whanganui
- 2023-01-08-Percy Reserve Percy Reserve to Sugarloaf Rock to Ratanui
- 2023-01-04-Shormann A tops loop returning along Roaring Stag Track
- 2022-12-04-Wellington Along tracks in Wellington hills
- 2022-12-04-Blue Range A loop from Ruamahanga river to Blue Range Hut
- 2022-11-26-Smith Creek A long sidle above Smith Creek
- 2022-11-12-Tutuwai-Reeves A loop to overnight at Tutuwai Hut
- 2022-11-06-Tawa Botanising in Larsen Crescent Reserve & Redwood Bush
- 2022-11-06-Arete Forks A circuit over Blue Range & Table Ridge
- 2022-10-29-Aorangi Forest Park An Aorangi crossing in 2 days
- 2022-10-26-Skyline Walkway Along the Skyline walkway from Kaori to Ngaio
- 2022-10-26-Blackwater Stream-Waiopehu Track Up the Ohau River & Balckwater Stream
- 2022-10-21-Te Hekenga A Ruahine circuit from Mangahuia over Te Hekenga
- 2022-10-19-Kaitoke Up the ridge track & along a minor DOC track
- 2022-10-19-East Holdsworth Exploring the length of a small creek
- 2022-10-15-Mt Richmond Mt Richmond to Mt Fell to Middy Hut
- 2022-10-05-Hongoeka Bay Walking in wind & rain to Hongoeka Bay
- 2022-10-04-Parawai Lodge Grandparents & kids go to Parawai Lodge
- 2022-09-28-Waiotauru Forks Biking & walking to Waiotauru Forks to Pukeatua Track
- 2022-09-23-Tongariro Camping at Mangatepopo & visiting South Crater
- 2022-09-22-Paekākāriki Fine weather for the escarpment walk
- 2022-09-21-Maunganui Difficult offtrack travel to an aircraft crash site
- 2022-09-21-Baring Head A walk to Baring Head lighthouse and trig
- 2022-09-07-Pauatahanui Inlet Along the walkways beside the inlet.
- 2022-09-07-Kapakapanui To the summit of Kapapakapanui
- 2022-09-01-Hawkes Bay Cycling: Around Lake Hatuma, on cycle trails, & visiting towns
- 2022-08-31-Kaipaitangata Stream A waterfall Investigation plus some difficult vegetation
- 2022-08-17-Mc Kerrow Up McKerrow Stream & down the Turere
- 2022-08-10-Zealandia Round the lake at Zealandia
- 2022-08-10-Paraparaumu Off track travel along traplines, ridges, & streams
- 2022-08-06-Waerenga To Waerenga Hut & a difficult river crossing
- 2022-08-04-Rata Ridge From Wainuiomata, Konini Ridge, Main Ridge track to Rata Ridge
- 2022-08-03-Turere Stream Off track travel in streams and up spurs
- 2022-08-00-Eastern Walkway Along the Eastern Walkway
- 2022-07-30-Baring Head Planting 275 plants in rainy weather
- 2022-07-23-South Saddle-Mathews Three Saturday trips in the Wellington region
- 2022-07-20-Kapiti Coast Coastal walking and tracks
- 2022-07-12-Sunrise Hut Cold wet weather for hardy grandkids
- 2022-06-01-Aorangi A 3 day Aorangi crossing in winter
- 2022-05-28-Mangahao From Mangahao to Burn Hut for a night, out via College Creek
- 2022-05-25-Mangaone Walkway-Waikanae River Walkway, tops & stream travel, & supplejack.
- 2022-05-04-Korokoro Along minor tracks near Korokoro & Galbraiths Gully
- 2022-04-27-Whakanui Creek On and off track to Whakanui Creek and return
- 2022-04-27-Rangiwahia Hut Into Rangiwahia Hut then some tops travel
- 2022-04-24-Escarpment Track Sunny weather for walking the Escarpment
- 2022-04-22-Maungahuka Stream River, ridge and tops travel and hut stays
- 2022-04-15-Mid King-Mitre Along the tops - Mid King to Mitre
- 2022-04-10-Miramar Peninsular Seatoun to Miramar to Evans Bay to Mt Victoria
- 2022-04-09-Waeranga Hut An overnight stay in Waeranga hut
- 2022-04-00-Mc Gregor Falls Difficult travel near the McGregor Falls
- 2022-03-30-Papatahi Two parties crossing over Papatahi in opposite directions.
- 2022-03-28-Neill-Winchcombe A loop over Bull Mound, Alpha, Neill & Cone
- 2022-03-19-Mount Climie Volume 94, no 4, May
- 2022-03-13-Wellington A walk to local steams and historic places
- 2022-03-12-Hinakitaka-Mt Mathews Up Hinakitaka Stream to Mt Mathews & down Corner Creek
- 2022-03-09-Eastbourne Hills From Muritai to Hawtrey to Butterfly Creek
- 2022-03-05-Mick Track A visit to aircraft crash weckage
- 2022-03-03-Southern Ruahines Along ridges and into valleys with river travel
- 2022-03-02-Turere Valley From McKerrow Track across the Turere Valley
- 2022-03-02-Cannon Point A loop over Cannon Point and Harcourt Park
- 2022-02-26-Whakatikei River A river gorge trip
- 2022-02-23-Quoin Ridge Up the Hutt River, Quoin Ridge, & down to E Hutt R
- 2022-02-23-Makahika A loop to the tops and over Marquee
- 2022-02-22-Te Araroa Trail-Tararua Along a three day section of the Te Araroa Trail
- 2022-02-16-Pigeon Bush Up to & along the ridge to Thomson Track and Prince Stream
- 2022-02-16-Boulder Hill Up Boulder Hill in Belmont Regional Park.
- 2022-02-09-Big Huia Creek Rough travel along ridges and in Huia creek
- 2022-01-26-Whitireia Peninsula On tracks around Whitirea, Titahi Bay, & Pikarere Farm.
- 2022-01-26-Mathews Up a rib to the ridge-top track
- 2022-01-26-Battle Hill Camping at Battle Hill and walks
- 2022-01-19-Papatahi A loop from Papatahi along the tricky ridge
- 2022-01-14-Dorset Ridge-Carkeek Ridge To Dorset Ridge Hut & Park Forks to Jumbo
- 2022-01-12-Pyramid Knob Over various bumps to Pyramid Knob
- 2022-01-10-Mt Kaukau Multiple climbs of Mt Kaukau
- 2022-01-05-Percy Reserve Along tracks in & around Percy Reserve
- 2021-12-30-Oriwa-Ōtaki River A large loop on tops and in valleys of the Tararuas
- 2021-12-08-Kaitoke-Quoin Ridge Quoin Ridge to Hutt Forks
- 2021-12-01-Johnston Hill Heke Reserve to Johnston Hill
- 2021-11-24-Te Kopahou Reserve Up to the Radar Dome and out to Red Rocks
- 2021-11-23-South King-Mitre Flats A loop over McGregor and South King to Mitre Flats
- 2021-11-19-Waerenga Hut A weekend working party
- 2021-11-10-Ōrongorongo Peak A loop from the Ōrongorongo River over the peak
- 2021-10-20-Pencarrow Cycling and hiking to Baring Head
- 2021-10-17-Waimapihi Reserve Botanising along the Highbury Fling & Transient Tracks
- 2021-10-01-Powell Hut Up to Powell Hut & a warm fire
- 2021-09-29-Butterfly Creek From Eastbourne to Butterfly Creek
- 2021-09-29-Aorangi From Waikuku Lodge along the Aorangi Ridge to Mt Ross
- 2021-09-24-Tapokopoko A loop over Tapokopoko starting at Catchpole Stream car park
- 2021-07-21-East Whakanui Monitoring trap lines.
- 2021-07-13-Mt Ruapehu A 3-day stay in the TTC Lodge with grandparents & kids
- 2021-07-11-Highbury-Karori On tracks and thru reserves of west Wellington.
- 2021-07-02-Waitewaewae An overnight stay at Island Forks Hut
- 2021-06-23-Belmont Regional Park A trip to Belmont Trig.
- 2021-06-09-Mt Lowry-Butterfly Creek Along the tops from Pt Howard to Butterfly Creek to Bus Barnes
- 2021-06-06-Te Whiti Riser-Mt Lowry Along tracks in the Eastern Hills to Days Bay
- 2021-06-02-Wellington Southern Walkway Tracks to Mt Victoria, Hataitai, & Greta Point
- 2021-05-26-Kaitapu Steam-Waitotara Overnight stays at two bush huts
- 2021-05-19-Percy Reserve From Percy reserve to Sugarloaf Rock to Galbraith Gully
- 2021-05-05-Titahi Bay A coastal walk from Titahi Bay to Little Titahi Bay
- 2021-04-28 A TTC work party clearing riverbed gorse
- 2021-04-07-Square Knob A new route to Square Knob
- 2021-04-07-Mt Kaukau Johnsonville to Kaukau & back via multiple tracks.
- 2021-03-20-Mt Richmond A climb of Mt Richmond and exploring a plane wreck
- 2021-03-14-Pohill Reserve-Highbury A walk through reserves in Brooklyn & Highbury
- 2021-03-03-Paekākāriki Hill Up Fly-by-Wire gully to the tops & along & down.
- 2021-02-24-Deep Creek-Waiohine A climb of Waiohine via an indistinct route
- 2021-02-23-Mathews A rugged ascent to the NE Ridge
- 2021-02-21-Mt Crawford-Maupuia A walk on the Miramar Peninsular
- 2021-02-17-Butterfly Creek-Hawtrey Days Bay to Butterfly Creek and Hawtrey
- 2021-02-05-Renata From Cone hut to Alpha Hut to Renata Hut
- 2021-02-03-Churchill Reserve Through reserves, up Kaiwharawhara Stream & tunnels
- 2021-01-25-Mathews West Rib From Ocean beach to Mathews & down the South Ridge
- 2021-01-08-Triangle Spur-Mt Dundas Up the Mangahao to a circuit over Dundas, Logan & Pukemoremore
- 2021-01-04-Sawtooth Ridge Ruahines A traverse along the Ruahine tops
- 2021-0-13-Eastbourne Hills Up Cheviot Track to Mt Lowry to Lees Grove
- 2020-11-29-Burrows Avenue Reserve A botanising trip to Burrows Avenue Reserve
- 2020-10-28-Mt Climie Off track to Mt Climie &back on the 4WD track.
- 2020-10-14 Sayer Hut A trip over Waiohine to Sayers Hut
- 2020-10-13-Tongariro Northern Circuit A 3 day Tongariro Northern Circuit from Whakapapa Village
- 2020-10-07-Kaiwharawhara Stream Crossing the new Kaiwharawhara bridge
- 2020-09-28-Ōrongorongo River A family trip to Turere Lodge
- 2020-09-19-Tongariro National Park Recent Wellington High School trips
- 2020-09-16-Pukerua Bay-Karehana Bay Hidden Valley track to Taua Taua Track to Karehana Bay
- 2020-09-09-Remutaka Trig Along the trig track, then bushy travel & logging tracks
- 2020-09-06-Mt Lowry-Hawtrey A damp tramp along the Eastbourne tops
- 2020-09-04-North Saddle To North Saddle and along ridges
- 2020-08-26-Bothamley Park A pickup of rubbish in and near KenepuruStream
- 2020-08-23-Gollans Stream From Kereru Track to Golands Stream to Korimako Track
- 2020-08-19-South Miramar Tracks and hills near Worser Bay and Miramar
- 2020-07-12-Ōtari-Botanic Garden A walk through reserves of Wellington
- 2020-07-03-Powell Hut Track Up through snow to Powell Hut
- 2020-07-01-Khandallah A lunch trip
- 2020-07-00-Te Araroa Escarpment Escarpment trips in 2008 and 2020
- 2020-05-30-Mt Travers Up Summit Creek & onto & up Mt Travers
- 2019-10-26 Stanton Memorial Stanton Memorial from Tararua lodge
- 2019-02-01-Southern Crossing Southern Crossing: Otaki Forks, Kime Hut, Tutuwai Hut, Reeves, Woodside Station
- 2018-12-27-Temple-Huxley-circuit Five day circuit Temple Stream, Huxley and Hopkins river with alpine crossing of the Barrier Range
- 2016-04-17-Trip Location Waiohine Road end, up Makaka Stream & a nameless spur to Cone Mound, down to Cone Saddle and out
- 2012-04-05-Moss Pass An easter trip up the Sabine, over Moss Pass, returning down the D'Urville
- 2011-12-03-Pioneer Hut Climbs of Haidinger, Halcombe, Glacier Peak, West Peak, & Lendenfield.
- 2011-05-13-Naxos Island Greece Several day walks on the Naxos, one of islands in the Greek Cyclades group
- 2010-10-22-Tapuae-o-uenuku Labour weekend climbs of Tapuae-o-Uenuku and Alarm from the Clarence River
- 2010-10-22-Pelorus River-Bryant Range Labour Weekend - Pelorus River to Middy Hut, & Bryant Range to Dew Lakes
- 2010-10-17-Percy Scenic Reserve A trip to unveil a memorial to Peter Jagger in the Percy Scenic Reserve
- 2010-10-02-Mick-Tangata Maunga A 9-hour day trip over two peaks and along ridges
- 2010-08-22-Tararua Lodge Mt Ruapehu University ski week at the TTC lodge.
- 2010-07-01-Cordilleras Blanca And Huayhuash-Peru Eight weeks of climbing and living in the mountains of northern Peru using the town of Huaraz as a base
- 2010-06-26-Tararua Lodge Ruapehu A mid-winter weekend to celebrate the new alterations
- 2010-04-31-Otztal Alps Traverse An alpine ski touring trip to the Otztal alps, central eastern Alps, Europe
- 2010-04-18-Red Rocks A family tramp to Red Rocks, Wellington South Coast.
- 2010-04-02-Mt Owen An easter trip to Mt Owen area with climbs of Mt Owen, Replica, anda visit to Granity Pass.
- 2010-04-01-Renata Forks-Elder Hut-Quoin Ridge A 2-day round trip from Eastern Hutt to Elder Hut via Renata Forks and Quoin Ridge
- 2010-02-20-Utah Ski Fields A ski trip to Utah, USA, to ski the best snow on earth
- 2010-01-22-Rainbow Road-Molesworth A cycle trip from St Arnaud through the Rainbow Valley to Lake Tennyson and on through the Molesworth to Hodder Bridge
- 2010-01-03-Huayna Potosi-Bolivia A guided climb of a 6088m peak in Bolivia
- 2006-06-03-Ski Life Lodge-Family
- 1999-02-07 Tauherenikau Gorge Family Trip
- 1997-Easter-Bridge To Nowhere Family Trip
- 1997-01-Southern Crossing With Children
- 1996-Easter-Queen Charlotte Walkway
- 1996-12-Waiototo Wanderings
- 2023-03-13-Hanmer Day walks & multiday trips from Hanmer
- 2022-04-24-Escarpment Track Sunny weather for walking the Escarpment
- 2009 Patagonian Expedition40th Anniversary The 40th anniversary of: The “New Zealand Patagonian Expedition 1969 (commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Tararua Tramping Club)”
- 2008-09-05-Putara-Cattle Ridge-Pukemoremore A weekend trip n the Northern Tararuas
- 2007-11-15 Middle Crossing A November Middle Crossing
- 2005-09-02 Bannister Circuit

4.0 International License.
2025 Trip Reports
2024 Trip Reports
- 2024-10-16-Mt Reeves Along tracks to Mt Reeves & Waiohine Gorge
- 2024-10-16-Akatarawa Forest Path Along forestry roads & gorge travel
- 2024-10-05-Banks Peninsular Along the Banks Peninsular Walkway
- 2024-10-02-Wellington Along tracks near the Skyline walkway
- 2024-10-02-Ruapehu Exploring around Waihohonu Hut
- 2024-09-29-Wellington Visiting streams in Wellington
- 2024-09-18-Zealandia Walking tracks in Zealandia
- 2024-09-11-Wellington Ascending peaks around northern Wellington
- 2024-09-04-Korimako Track A broken wrist on a Wednesday walk
- 2024-08-28-Ōrongorongo Clearing pampas and gorse
- 2024-08-01-Ōrongorongo A loop along Cattle Ridge and Ōrongorongo track
- 2024-07-17-Marchant A long day on Marchant, on & off-track
- 2024-07-17-Kapiti Along the Kāpiti coastline & Waikanae River
- 2024-07-10-Ruapehu Activities & snow fun at the lodge
- 2024-07-10-Percy Scenic Reserve Along tracks in reserves & Sugarloaf Lookout
- 2024-07-01-Timor A guided crossing of Timor-Leste
- 2024-06-29-East Harbour Regional Park Butterfly Creek & along the tops
- 2024-06-12-Whareroa In Whareroa & up to The Rocks
- 2024-06-12-Mangaone Off track travel from the Mangaone walkway
- 2024-06-08-Waerenga A weekend at Waerenga with good food
- 2024-06-05-Wainuiomata The Pack Track, Whakanui & Solomons Ridge
- 2024-06-05-Smith Creek Smith Creek Waterfall & later installing permolat markers
- 2024-06-04-Hawkws Bay Biking at Norsewood, Tukituki R, Taradale & Napier
- 2024-06-01-Mt Holdworth A night at Powel Hut & climb of Mt Holdsworth
- 2024-05-29-Zealandia 10km of Zealandia tracks
- 2024-05-25-Wellington Saunas & swimming in Princess Bay
- 2024-05-24-Kapiti Tracks & huts from Otaki Forks to Kapakapanui
- 2024-05-04-Boar Bush Gully A day of cutting gorse & cups of tea
- 2024-05-01-Wellington Hills & valleys & reserves in urban Wellington
- 2024-05-01-Farm Creek Up Farm Creek & down Shepperds Stream
- 2024-04-29-Milford-Kepler Two Great walks out of season.
- 2024-04-29-Mildford-Kepler Redirects to TripReports.2024-04-29-Milford-Kepler
- 2024-04-26-Ruahines Tricky river travel with waterfalls
- 2024-04-24-Totara Park Tracks & bush near Kaukau.
- 2024-04-17-Wharekauhau Demanding off-track travel to the tops
- 2024-04-15-Tararua Climbs & off-track & swims & games
- 2024-04-10-Tauwharenīkau Tracks & off-track near Dobsons, Pylon Road, & Puffer
- 2024-04-05-Ruapehu Off-track travel to Stanton Memorial.
- 2024-04-03-Kapiti Muaupoko Stream to Papakirae trig in tough terrain.
- 2024-03-20-Tararuas Up Reef Creek to Blue Range hut
- 2024-03-17-Lewis Pass-Nelson Lakes From Boyle River to Sabine River
- 2024-03-15-Southern Crossing Southern Crossing overnighting at Field & Alpha
- 2024-03-13-Plimmerton Wairaka Walkway around the coast plus an alternative detour
- 2024-03-13-Mathews South Saddle Up a spur and a siddle to South Saddle
- 2024-02-28-Tararua SAR search for a TTC member
- 2024-02-23-Ruapeu Redirects to TripReports.2024-02-23-Ruapehu
- 2024-02-23-Ruapehu Work party on lodge roof & windows
- 2024-02-18-Mt Victoria Walking Along the coast & tracks near Mt Victoria
- 2024-02-14-Remutaka A challenging climb of Kotumu in gale winds
- 2024-02-14-Akatarawa Forest Along roads and tracks around Titi
- 2024-02-10-Tauwharenīkau Gorge A river trip down the Tauwharenīkau Gorge
- 2024-02-06-Tauwharenīkau Some rough travel to Alloway Dixon Hut
- 2024-01-17-Ōrongorongo To Waerenga & Ōrongorongo swimming pool
- 2024-01-14-Belmont Regional Park A cloudy windy trip in Belmont Park
- 2024-0-0-Overseas Exploring & hiking in Timor
For earlier trip reports see the full trip list