
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Facilities

Tararua Tramping Club - Facilities

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Photo: Adrian
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Photo: Adrian

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Our Clubrooms are a valuable asset. They are 100% owned by the club and we hire them out to several other organisations - including other tramping clubs! For information regarding club room hire please fill in the booking inquiry form or contact our club rooms booking officer (see club contacts page).

Gear Room

The gear room exists for the benefit of club members and stocks gear (over 400 items) needed on trips. Most of the gear is lent free to members. Most of the gear is not available to non-members. The gear room is open each club evening for members to draw and/or return gear for club trips or private trips. Hire equipment includes: Tents, tent flies, billies, insulation mats, axes, ice axes, ice hammers, crampons, packs, first aid kits, avalanche transceivers, personal locator beacons, inReach device, food, dehydrators, etc:


The clubrooms are the home of our library.

What the library offers

  • Over 1,200 books available for loan, including guidebooks, biographies, anthologies and recipe books
  • Books about: climbing, cycling, mountaineering, skiing, tramping, walks and tracks, bushcraft, conservation, first aid, search and rescue, New Zealand flora & fauna, landscapes, islands, national parks, the Southern Alps, South Island High Country, Antarctica, European Alps, the Himalaya
  • Book reviews, in recent editions of Backcountry bulletin or via the online library catalogue on the website.
  • The latest Wilderness magazines
  • A database at TTC Library catalogue for searching for titles and authors or by subject matter.

Michael Taylor Van

The TTC Michael Taylor Van is available for use on club trips.

Club Archives

The club maintains a documentary and photographic archive of club activites and history.

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Tararua Lodge

Tararua Tramping Club Lodge is our unique alpine lodge situated on the northern slopes of Mt. Ruapehu, GPS co-ordinates: 1820807.14, 5653092.69, at an altitude of 1764m. Tararua Lodge_Trail_Map_Whakapapa in the Whakapapa Alpine Area providing both summer and winter facilities. It is within the Tongariro National Park and World Heritage area. Tararua Lodge is available year round for members and their guests. At least one of the party must be a TTC member

It is essential you make a booking before visiting the lodge.

To book a lodge stay during the summer of 2025/2026 please contact Tararua Lodge Committee -> mailto:ttc [period] tararua [period] lodge [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website Vivienne Radcliffe on 021 948 634 or Vince Jennings on 027 437 8958 For booking during the winter please visit our Lodge trip page.

Tararua Lodge is the base for many of our winter activities.

Trips to the lodge

If you are going to visit the lodge, please see our visiting Tararua Lodge page.
If you are leading a trip to the lodge, please see our trip leader's page.

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click to see gallery


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Club Huts

Today we maintain four tramping huts and our Ruapehu mountain lodge.

Tramping huts

Waerenga is a locked hut in the Remutaka Forest Park.
Cone , Field and Kime are "open" huts and all lie within the Tararua Forest Park.

Be a great tramper, follow the Minimum Impact Code

Page last modified on 2023 Oct 29 05:09

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