Club Night Weekly Activity reporters | |
Ann Walker -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 457 2624 | 2025: January |
Ann Walker -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 457 2624 | 2025: February |
Alan Graham -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website | 2025: March |
Email the Weekly Activity Reporters -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website |
Add activity reports - weekly
Each week the activity organisers (Alan Graham -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website , or Ann Walker -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 457 2624) add a new activity report page, or email them to the webteam, after they have prepared then for club night.
- contact details for Activity Organisers are maintained on the Contact List
- the monthly activity organiser is updated on the Contacts page
See also the Social Committee Roster
Club night updates - regularly
The 2025 Club Nights page is kept with the Fixture card pages. The page provides the source of club night information used on the home page, club night page, clubrooms page, and Social Committee Roster page. It is kept up to date by the clubnight speaker organisers.
Backups - regularly
Currently back of the TTC website is achieved as follows:
- a mirrored copy is held on webteam member's home based PC, see task backup website.
Backups are carried out automatically nightly, and after significant changes, eg addition of the fixture card.
Add the PDF version of the Tararua Tramper - monthly
The Tararua Tramper is received as a PDF, by email, from the editor (Peter Reimann -> mailto:ttc [period] tramper [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 938 9602 ), generally about a week before the end of the month prior to the issue month. If you have not received it by the end of the first week of the month then feel free to request it from the editor.
- open the wiki page Tararua Tramper.HomePage
- navigate to the page for the year, e.g. Tararua Tramper.Tararua Tramper 2025
- click on the button to display the menu
Add a new Tramper
Add new Tararua Tramper page - annually
Add trip reports from Tararua Tramper - monthly
The Tararua Tramper is received as a PDF, by email, from the editor, generally in the last week of the previous month. If you have not received it by the end of the first week of the month then feel free to request it from the editor.
- open the page Trip Reports.HomePage
- open the tramper PDF (with Acrobat reader) or Word etc
Update club member contact information - when supplied
Christine Whiteford -> mailto:ttc [period] clubroll [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 475 3880 looks after the club roll. If someone doesn't contact the right person then emails requesting updates to address and contact details should be forwarded to her.
- see also update website contact list below
Moderate Email news groups - ongoing
- join the TTC email lists
- approach the owner (if it is not the webteam) or TTC administrator to get moderator rights and permissions
- assist with promptly dealing with spam, banning or moderating members as appropriate
- work towards a common look and feel for all TTC email lists
Page spamming - as required
From time to time pages are vandalised.
As a webteam member please keep an eye on all changes to the pages.
Ban the spammer and the phrases they use as follows
- on the history page determine the spammer's IP address by hovering your cursor over their name
- add the IP address to the SiteAdmin.Blocklist page (see also PmWiki:Blocklist)
- if appropriate add any phrases you want to block also to the blocklist page
- if necessary remove approved URLs from the SiteAdmin.ApprovedUrls (see also PmWiki:PmWiki.UrlApprovals)
Fix these spams as follows
- if you have an up to date mirror of the page delete the spammed page and copy your mirrored page back
- if not use the History link and restore the page back to an earlier version
Blocked phrases
From time to time you may receive a report of the message "the word 'xxxxxx' is banned by the Administrator". If if is legitimate you can unblock the phrase on the page SiteAdmin.Blocklist.
Add fixture card - six monthly
The fixture card is supplied by the various trip coordinators, as a word document or spreadsheet. If has not been received by the end of November or May then request it from the various trip coordinators.
- open the fixture card document (keep a copy of the original)
- these instructions assume that the fixture card has a tabular format (ie a spreadsheet or a table in a document).
- if it doesn't, e.g, received in an email, or as a word document where there is not one line or table row per line copying and pasting into a spreadsheet may help and is recommended - see below for more details
Source document format guide
- the table should have only one line of text per row, with no newlines in a cell
- the day and month should be in in a single cell (not split across two columns)
- there should be no merged calls
- the date should be entered for every row for which it applies, even if it is the same
- we recommend a date format of
15 Aug
,14-16 Aug
, orWed 19 Aug
- phone numbers formats are best to be "
04 123 4567
" rather than "041234567
" as we may not detect them to convert them to clickable links (so you can dial from your mobile phone), also "012 345 6789
". - reformat the table as necessary to achieve a tabular format with the desired number of columns, e.g. merge the day and month columns if they are separate
- check the fixture card page to see the order of the columns
- trips on the monthly fixture card can supplied to the webteam in multiple parts:
- overnight trips
- wednesday trips, saturday trips, sunday trips
- trips on the winter activities page are entered and updated, by the Ski and Lodge committee. They are entered on the fixture card page for the month.
- currently climbing, FITT, and cycling trips pages are maintained by the activity organisers. They are entered on the fixture card page for the month.
- the midweek page is an 'include' of all the monthly pages Wednesday trips
Add Snow fixtures - annually
The snow fixture card comes from the Ski and Lodge committee as a word document. If has not been received by the end of June then request it from Tararua Lodge Committee -> mailto:ttc [period] tararua [period] lodge [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website Vivienne Radcliffe on 021 948 634 or Vince Jennings on 027 437 8958. Add snow trips to the main fixture card pages. The snow fixture card page is automatically created from the full fixture card pages.
- the web page is named
in thewiki.d
Annual report contribution - annually (July before AGM)
- produce a summary of the website activities and issues for inclusion in the club's annual report.
Update club email redirections - when required
Club email addresses (
) are forwarded by CPanel forwarders
Update website Contact List - annually (August after the AGM), plus ad hoc changes
- this will flow through to the Contacts and all other pages where contacts are given
After the AGM a new list of club contacts and committee membership should be provided by the General committee or secretary. If not received by the end of August contact Vicki Wogan -> mailto:ttc [period] secretary [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 218 3330.
- to update the name and telephone number you need to edit the Contact List administrative page. Be especially careful and don't change the layout.
- update the following pages
- Contact list (an admin only page)
- Contacts only if required
Update Who's who - annually (August after the AGM), plus ad hoc changes
After the AGM a new who's who list should be provided by the General committee or secretary. If not received by the end of August contact Vicki Wogan -> mailto:ttc [period] secretary [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 218 3330.
- update the current Who's Who:
- copy the most recent who's who page (eg WhosWho2024‑2025 as WhosWho2025‑2026)
- then update with changes from last year
- note that the current Who's who page will pick up the latest available version
Check links - occasionally
To check links install the following Chrome extensions
Update documents - occasionally
A number of documents are available to club members.
For example on the Resources page and the General Committee Minutes page.
Many are also linked to from other club website pages.
To update these the new version must be uploaded to the website. Most documents are uploaded to the downloads page, but some live on on the page whose content they are related to.
To replace existing document use the Attach
link at the top right of the page.
For example
- the source membership application form is a word document.
- it is updated for the current year and then
- converted to pdf using open office.
- both word and pdf version can be uploaded to the website
- the word document can be retrieved for subsequent years
- to upload to the website
- on the Resources page click on the attach link (TTC.Download?action=upload)
- locate the file you wish to replace from the list of files given at the bottom of the page
- click on the Δ symbol
- upload the new version, it will replace the existing version
To add new files edit the content of the page.
Add an Attach: directive to the page, eg
[[Attach:New file.doc | File description]]
and save the page. Then click on the link to upload the file.
Archive website - annually
- The entire website, from the root directory, should be copied and burnt to DVD and given to the club archivist.
- The website should be captured as a set of 'static' html pages and also copied to the DVD for ease of access and referral.
New webmaster - infrequently
- review the webteam pages
- join the TTC communications email group.
- add to webteam email address