
Tararua Tramping Club

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Webteam Task Fixture Card

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(:template each:)

{=$Name}? {=$Summary}

Add fixture card - six monthly

The fixture card is supplied by the various trip coordinators, as a word document or spreadsheet. If has not been received by the end of November or May then request it from the various trip coordinators.

  • open the fixture card document (keep a copy of the original)
  • these instructions assume that the fixture card has a tabular format (ie a spreadsheet or a table in a document).
    • if it doesn't, e.g, received in an email, or as a word document where there is not one line or table row per line copying and pasting into a spreadsheet may help and is recommended - see below for more details

Source document format guide

  • the table should have only one line of text per row, with no newlines in a cell
  • the day and month should be in in a single cell (not split across two columns)
  • there should be no merged calls
  • the date should be entered for every row for which it applies, even if it is the same
  • we recommend a date format of 15 Aug, 14-16 Aug, or Wed 19 Aug
  • phone numbers formats are best to be "04 123 4567" rather than "041234567" as we may not detect them to convert them to clickable links (so you can dial from your mobile phone), also "012 345 6789".
  • reformat the table as necessary to achieve a tabular format with the desired number of columns, e.g. merge the day and month columns if they are separate
    • check the fixture card page to see the order of the columns


  1. trips on the monthly fixture card can supplied to the webteam in multiple parts:
    • overnight trips
    • wednesday trips, saturday trips, sunday trips
  2. trips on the winter activities page are entered and updated, by the Ski and Lodge committee. They are entered on the fixture card page for the month.
  3. currently climbing, FITT, and cycling trips pages are maintained by the activity organisers. They are entered on the fixture card page for the month.
  4. the midweek page is an 'include' of all the monthly pages Wednesday trips

These instructions were developed using LibreOffice, but will work for both spreadsheets or documents supplied by the Chief Guide and trip coordinators, for most office software suites.

Edit the fixture card document

The fixture card is supplied as a document or spreadsheet, the format varies year by year.
Generally it is supplied as a series of tables separated by blank lines, one row per trip, one or two tables per week (weekend, midweek). Carrying out some modifications to the source document prior to loading onto the website can save a lot of time.

  • join all weekly tables up for a month (e.g. remove empty rows, columns, and lines)
  • if multiple entries are placed in a document table cell copying to a speadsheet may help
  • replace all soft (^m) and hard(^p) newlines with the wiki markup [[<]]
  • replace abbreviations with full words, e.g. Tk to Track, Ck to Creek, Stm to Stream, etc, as there is plenty of room on the website pages
  • it can make it easier to update the website by copying a document table to a spreadsheet for the next steps
  • select all the rows for a month's trips
  • if a weekend or holiday extends into the next month include it on both month's pages
  • copy your selection for the month to the clipboard

Create the new fixture card page

  • create a new wiki website page
    • use the form name field and button above right, or
    • in the browser's address bar change the page name (eg FixtureCard/HomePage) to a new name (eg FixtureCard/2026January))
    • then click on ⚙, then "edit" or "create" link
  • paste from the clipboard the selection over, and including, the %comment% lines "replace from" to "replace to"
  • no other changes are required to the page template

Create the fixture card page content

  • click on the icon in the text edit area toolbar to have the pasted tabular data formatted (ignore the "Confirm Navigation" warning and alter by clicking "Leave this Page")
  • add a single exclamation mark as the first character in the weekly heading (location) line (the line will look like this ||!Weekly heading ||||||||||)
  • see the existing fixture card pages for examples of what the formatting looks like
  • remove all lines of the form ||class='tabtable'
  • remove any other exclamation marks (!) that exists as the first character in cells
  • remove the month (eg Jan) from each row
  • add links to Tararua Lodge, Bushcraft, FixtureCard.MorisonBush, TTC.Alpine Instruction, and the appropriate references from Tararua Footprints.
  • check the style guide for the use of macrons and Māori place names

Repeat for all six months in the calendar

Create a new page for each month in the fixture card.

  • note that the trips on a page include trips from the next month where the next month commences in the middle of the weekend

The page headings, indexes, side bars, etc automatically pick up the added fixture card month pages

Check the page content

  • do a print preview of each page to ensure the layout works well for printing
  • check the automatically generated FixtureCard.Midweek page to ensure it is working properly

Create the fixture card half year pages

The half year pages allow website visitors to print out all six months of the fixture card, in a similar way to the distributed printed fixture card sent to members

Update the fixture card archive page

The archive page lists all fixture cards that are available on the website.

  • add the pages you have created to the FixtureCard.Archive
  • copy the lines from the anchor [[#fc2025first]] to June or [[#fc2025second]] to December and change the year from 2025 to 2026
  • at the beginning of the year add a reference to the year's club nights page by copying and changing the previous years entry.

Publicise the updates

Page last modified on 2024 Sep 15 10:19

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