
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2024-09-04-Korimako Track

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L-R: Michele, Brian, Elizabeth, Julia, Sally, Kerry.
Photo: Alison Stephenson

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 96, no 10, November 2024

An incident on Korimako Track E

Wednesday 4 September

Looking forward to a pleasant amble on a fine day, we seven set out from Days Bay, observing progress on the redevelopment of the grounds at Williams Park en route. A leisurely morning tea was enjoyed with date squares at the top of the track; such junctions are so often chosen for tucker breaks.

Proceeding south on the main ridge we found the track had dried out very well after a couple of dry days, apart from the hollows which remain muddy most of the time. About 10 minutes beyond the top of the Kereru Track we were surprised to meet the SF group heading north. Surprised because we had forgotten, or more likely not taken note of, where faster groups were headed. It was quite a social few moments, seeing all the familiar faces.

We waved them on and continued until … I thought I was being careful and it certainly wasn’t the speed of the party, nor a spot where one must cock a leg over a giant northern rata root … but a little torn-off narrow vine sapling managed to catch my boot, causing a nose-dive down below the track and a broken wrist.

Well, it was about lunch time anyway, so we moved no further. Then the discussion. I wanted to continue, but I knew the others were right, voting to return via the easiest way down, considering the few metres of steepness south of Hawtrey and my sudden realization that trying to put on a little backpack was awkward. My spare long-sleeved polyprop was useful as a sling, while the others grabbed the remaining few contents and bag itself, leaving me feeling guiltily unburdened for the return. My hearty thanks to all the party for later arrangements and getting me to ED at Wellington Hospital.

Party members
Michele Dickson (leader and scribe), Elizabeth Bridge, Julia Fraser, Brian and Sally Hasell, Kerry Popplewell, Alison Stephenson

Page last modified on 2024 Nov 05 05:06

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