
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2024-07-17-Kapiti

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Kapiti 1

Original size: 395 x 589; 38 kB
Kapiti 1
Kapiti 2

Original size: 497 x 718; 151 kB
Kapiti 2
Kapiti 3

Original size: 746 x 475; 124 kB
Photo: Bob Buckle
Kapiti 4

Original size: 472 x 343; 98 kB
Photo: Bob Buckle
Kapiti 5

Original size: 761 x 399; 149 kB
Photo: Bob Buckle
Kapiti 6

Original size: 1,069 x 590; 194 kB
L-R: John, Andy, Alistair, Rachel, Linda, Marilyn, Cathy,
Mary, Ann, Janet, Peter M, Vic, Helena, Peter S, Helen,
Pip. Absent: Jill, Bob. Photo: Bob Buckle

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 96, no 8, September 2024

A hike along the Kāpiti coastline

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Ideal conditions for a coastal hike greeted us in the morning and remained with us throughout our hike from Paekākāriki north along the Kāpiti coast to the mouth of the Waikanae River and then inland to the Waikanae Railway Station. Eighteen members of the club joined the hike which covered 22.5 kilometres in about six hours.

Cool air, a light mist hanging over the glassy ocean, waves rolling in, the tide on its way out, a barely noticeable breeze at our backs, and the spectacular outline of Kāpiti Island greeted us and remained with us throughout much of the day. From Paekākāriki, our route north followed the beach then linked onto the coastal track on the edge of QE2 Park. Morning tea was taken near the mouth of the Whareroa Stream. We dropped onto the beach as we approached Raumati South., It was firm sand underfoot until we took a lunch break at Paraparaumu Beach, where we sat on large driftwood logs and enjoyed a close-up view of Kāpiti Island. After lunch, another couple of kilometres of sand-walking took us to the mouth of the Waikanae River and the boardwalks protecting the area. The walk alongside the Waikanae River was beautiful. One highlight was meeting three black swans on the track. On this occasion they must have symbolised peace and tranquillity because they allowed us to travel along their pathway without any fuss, and certainly no surprising or devilish events happened to us thereafter. We arrived at the Railway Station in ample time for the 3 p.m. train. It was a day of perfect conditions for a winter hike, punctuated with beautiful coastal scenery, and with lots of engaging and fun conversations.

Party members
Bob Buckle (leader and scribe), Vic Armstrong, Alistair Beckett, Linda Beckett, Janet Dobbie, Rachel Fry, Helen Gray, Andy Leslie, Peter Morten, Phillipa Newton, Mary Perkins, Marilyn Richards, Peter Smith, Ann Walker, Helena Weller-Chew, Jill Wild, John Willett, Cathy Wylie.

Page last modified on 2024 Sep 17 04:28

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