
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2023-04-26-Whitireia

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Whitirea1.jpg: 1010x741, 358k (2023 May 30 08:35)
Whitireia.jpg: 911x690, 197k (2023 May 30 08:35)
L-R: Michele, Kerry, David, Liz, Jocelyn, Ann
Photo Alan Benge
Whitireia3.jpg: 707x668, 166k (2023 May 30 08:36)
Photo Alan Benge

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 95, no 5, June 2023

Whitireia Park wander

Wednesday 26 April 2023

Nine keen trampers met on a cold and blustery morning at Onepoto boatsheds, Titahi Bay. Our object was to amble at a relaxed pace around the picturesque bays and spectacular cliffs adjoining the Titahi Bay golf course.

Accompanied by seagulls, and a freezing southerly wind, we set off, thankful for the warm clothing we'd brought along.

Our group of nine split into two. Seven elected to do the Easy walk (which included a short scramble up a cliff). The other two kept to the flat areas and treated the walk as a Ramble. Walking soon became much more pleasant, as the hills sheltered us from cold southerly winds. A flock of spoonbills was spotted feeding in the tidal shallows of the inlet. (I nearly wrote ‘a spock of floonbills’, dear reader, but this would have been a spoonerism).

Morning tea was enjoyed sitting at a picnic table on the shore of Onehunga Bay, where Kupe is thought to have left a stone anchor from his canoe.

Next, we climbed up a cliff path through gorse to emerge on open tussock overlooking rocky coves, with magnificent panoramic views of Plimmerton to the north, and Mana Island out to the west.

We reached a road near Titahi Bay radio masts and posed for a cheerful group photo. After this, thanks to a helpful navigational suggestion from Michele, we pioneered a new cross country route eastwards, skirting the golf course perimeter.

It was time for a relaxed lunch in the sun on a grassy slope, overlooking Onehunga Bay below. Some of us even had a siesta.

We returned to the carpark via an inland gully track. David handed out free feijoas to everyone. It had been a most enjoyable, and fruitful day.

Party members
Alan Benge (leader and scribe), Ann Bond, David Campbell, Michele Dickson, Kerry Popplewell, Liz Martin, Jocelyn Syme. Margaret Foden and Peter Nixon went on the ramble. All were club members.

Page last modified on 2023 May 30 08:49

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