
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2023-04-12-Eastbourne Hills

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Gollans1.jpg: 864x1920, 915k (2023 Apr 25 23:50)
Photo: Lynne Pomare
Gollans2.jpg: 1500x1125, 783k (2023 Apr 25 23:50)
At the ‘notable little dropdown’
Photo: Michele Dickson

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 95, no 4, May 2023

Days Bay, Gollans Valley EM

Wednesday – 12 April 2023

As the crow flies, a short trip. As we travel, a lot more energy and time.

First a grunt up from Days Bay via the Kereru Track, then east onto the routes marked and used by the Mainland Island Restoration Operation (MIRO).

On this upper part of the spur of the route to the ‘S’ bend, the black beech seedlings of recent mast years have grown into large numbers of saplings, dripping wet for the front person after all the rain. At map contour 270 m we paused for morning tea, scratching for a seat amongst wet litter. We were enticed for a few moments to follow another route line below, but soon abandoned it in favour of the better-marked ‘S’ bend route.

At the 200 m contour, where a large orange lid hangs, we turned off and headed more north for a steep descent into the Gollans, upstream from the ‘S’ bend. Travelling upstream on the stream route we made the creek crossings, strained over or under windfalls and scrambled through gahnia, kiekie and supplejack with these and large crown ferns whipping at our legs. Familiar spots were the miniature waterfall with spa-sized pond and a notable little drop down. We passed the side creek on the true right and the open area of beech trees, and lunched a little downstream from the main forks. Once or twice rain threatened but always gave way to dappled sunlight. Some managed to grab a fungus photo here and there, all with cell phones. The easy, somewhat devoid of undergrowth, route from the main forks up to the main ridge track (where the rock in the middle of the track marks the spot) was tackled in a steady manner.

Here Carolyn headed north to go home and the rest of us chattered our way down the Korimako Track to the bay. Thanks to all for coming and helping find the ‘pinkies’ (route markers).

Party members
Michele Dickson (leader and scribe), Joanne Gapes, Paddy Gresham, Carolyn Jenkins, Justin Kerr, Dianne Lee, Liz Martin, Lynne Pomare, Alison Stephenson, Rosemary Wilson.

Page last modified on 2023 Apr 25 23:54

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