
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2023-03-13-Hanmer

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2023-03-13 Jane-Pyar Mautner - Evening meal with Indian takeaways.jpeg: 1624x896, 380k (2023 Apr 24 00:00)
Evening meal with Indian takeaways. Tim Stone (at kitchen bench),
Cathy Wylie, Howard Symmes, Sue Scott, David McCrone, Susan Guscott,
Robin Chesterfield, Geoff Marshall, Leonore Hoke, Joanna Poole,
Peggy Munn, David McNabb, Chris Munn, Kair Lippiatt.
Photo: Jane-Pyar Mautner
2023-03-13 Peggy Munn - Bellbird Lodge.jpeg: 906x622, 235k (2023 Apr 24 00:00)
Bellbird Lodge Photo: Peggy Munn
2023-03-13 Peggy Munn - Chris Munn and Tim Stone on BBQ duty.jpeg: 789x655, 141k (2023 Apr 24 00:00)
Chris Munn and Tim Stone on BBQ duty.
Photo: Peggy Munn
2023-03-13 Peggy Munn - Trip-gathered mushrooms for dinner, Blackberries picked locally were also enjoyed.jpeg: 797x472, 120k (2023 Apr 24 00:00)
Trip-gathered mushrooms for dinner.
Blackberries picked locally were also enjoyed.
Photo: Peggy Munn
2023-03-14 08.48.10 Peggy Munn - Off on a tramp.jpeg: 1629x880, 489k (2023 Apr 24 00:00)
* 2023-03-13 Peggy Munn - Off on a tramp.jpeg (Off on a tramp: Robin Chesterfield, Joanna Poole, David McCrone, ?N Paul Bruce, Leonora Hoke, Cathy Wylie, Jane-Pyar Mautner, ?N Susan Guscott, Chris Munn. Photo: Peggy Munn)  Δ

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 95, no 4, May 2023

Hanmer Springs Meet

13 – 26 March 2023

After plans to hold a meet in Hanmer Springs in 2022 were scuppered by Covid, we were able to pull it off this year. We stayed at the very comfortable Bellbird Lodge at the Alpine Adventure Holiday Park, conveniently located within walking distance of the village. Bellbirds were plentiful as was firewood. The lodge did not get much sun but we were never cold with the fire going continuously.

A wide range of trips were run. The van made regular trips up to Jacks Pass as there were plenty of day walk options from the Pass. It was pleasing to see so many people on multi-day trips. There were two car trips into the Clarence Valley, bike rides and numerous trips to the hot pools.

Apart from a thunderstorm that one group walked out in, the weather was very good, with just one day of light rain.

Communal evening meals of Indian takeaways and pizza were an enjoyable way to socialise. Otherwise, people self-catered or went out for meals. As usual for such an event as a meet, it was a great opportunity for people to get to know others in the club and the evenings were full of conversation on every topic imaginable.

Overall, 22 people attended the meet and went on 22 day-walks and 10 multi-day trips. Everyone was very pleased with what they had been able to achieve.

Party members
Peggy Munn (leader and scribe).

Page last modified on 2024 Jul 11 06:37

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