
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2023-02-22-Ōtari-Skyline

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Skyline.jpg: 1416x762, 305k (2023 Apr 11 08:52)
L-R Alison, Bob, Cheryl, Lynne, Helena, Carolyn, Diane,
Rosemary, Christine, Mary, Diana, Janice, Sue, Penny,
Photo Paddy Gresham

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 95, no 3, April 2023

Ōtari Wilton’s Bush – Skyline E/M

Wednesday 22 February 2023

A week after the trip was postponed because of the weather, a bunch of 15 club members met at Crofton Downs. A morning more promising than the week before but with a risk of wind and a weather change later in the day. After about 20 minutes heading uphill on suburban streets, we entered Ōtari Wilton’s Bush from John Witton Drive. After an enjoyable traverse on the Red Trail through undulating bush to the Flax Clearing, we continued via the Yellow and Blue Trails down and up to ‘Moko’, the 800-year-old rimu tree, for morning tea.

From there we turned up the little known but extremely attractive ’Kohekohe Walk’, prompting some botanising and suggestions we should come again later in the year when the kohekohe are in flower. The track took us up to our third creek crossing, then steeply up to the junction with Skyline Walkway. Out of the bush, warm and sunny conditions accompanied the delightful views.

Following the Skyline, we stopped for lunch in a sheltered, comfortable spot. As we prepared to leave after our break we began to feel the weather change approaching. Not far down a short rocky area, we turned off the Skyline onto the pylon road towards Crofton Downs. A downhill trot took us to the turn-off onto the Silversky zigzag trail, taking us back to Silverstream Road and the station. Out of the bush we were aware that light misty rain had begun!

In all, not ‘just a walk in the park’, but just over four hours of an enjoyable workout through a varied mix of lovely bush, open territory, and differing terrain.

Party members
Diana Barnes, Paddy Gresham, Carolyn Jenkins, Cheryl McDonald, Diane Morgan, Mary Perkins, Lynne Pomare, Penny Salmond (leader and scribe), Sue Scott, Bob Stephens, Alison Stephenson, Janice Tijsen, Helena Weller-Chew, Christine Whiteford, Rosemary Wilson.

Page last modified on 2024 Jul 06 01:14

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