
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Trip Reports 2022-10-26-Skyline Walkway

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CityTracks.jpg: 1672x897, 633k (2022 Nov 30 02:13)
From left: Alistair Beckett, Penny Salmond, Susan Guscott, Paul Bruce,
Glynn Woodbury, Mary Kane, John Allard, Sylvia Dixon, Peter Smith, Mary Perkins,
Trish Gardiner-Smith, John Willett, Andy Leslie, David McNabb & Marilyn Richards

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 94, no 11, December 2022

City tracks and stunning views M

26 October 2022

Our medium tramp pretty much followed the route taken in 2021 - beginning at 0900 when 15 of us set off up the road from the Ngaio Town Hall for the short walk through Heke Reserve. We met Paul at the entrance to Trellisick Park, where we embarked on the Northern Walkway route through the Park, exiting at Hanover Street. Then it was up the intimidating slope of Weld Street to cross over Te Ahumairangi for morning tea at the lookout and a chance to admire the stunning harbour view.

From Te Ahumairangi we headed via the Albermarle Street bush track to Karori Cemetery, taking a right turn into the bush after the Tangiwai memorial. We climbed the track through the pines to the top of Johnston Hill for lunch after finding an early almost-sheltered lunch spot. Thereafter we followed the Skyline Walkway, turning after 80 minutes onto Bell's track for the descent to Awarua Street and then another segment of the Northern Walkway to finish at Ngaio Town Hall at the six-hour promised finish time.

The weather was obliging (until we hit the winds on the Skyline track) and the company was great!

Party members
John Allard, Linda Beckett (leader and scribe), Alistair Beckett, Paul Bruce, Sylvia Dixon, Trish Gardiner-Smith, Susan Guscott, Mary Kane, Andy Leslie, David McNabb, Mary Perkins, Marilyn Richards, Penny Salmond, Peter Smith, John Willett, Glynn Woodbury.

Page last modified on 2022 Nov 30 02:16

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