
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2022-08-10-Paraparaumu

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Paraparaumu1.jpg: 1417x1064, 704k (2022 Sep 14 23:12)
Swallowed up by kiekie beside the Maungakotukutuku Stream.
Photo: Peggy Munn
Paraparaumu2.jpg: 1024x768, 434k (2022 Sep 14 23:18)
Pleasant travel up the side stream
off the Maungakotukutuku Stream.
Photo: Peggy Munn
Paraparaumu3.jpg: 1856x857, 493k (2022 Sep 14 23:13)

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 94, no 8, September 2022

Paraparaumu Scenic Reserve SF

10 August 2022

On Wednesday 10 August the SF trip ventured into the Paraparaumu Scenic Reserve. Nineteen people came along, so there was much chatter as we started the trip. As we climbed up to the ridgeline, Colin decided home was a preferred destination and John and Wayne accompanied him back to the carpark. Following traplines, we made our way to the Papakurae Trig at 353 m and enjoyed morning tea with a fantastic view over the Kapiti coast under that rare phenomenon of sunshine. After entering the bush we travelled down a spur over pt 316 and descended to the terrace above the Maungakotukutuku Stream on a sometimes steep and slippery slope and had lunch.

Shortly afterwards, the terrace ended and it was a very slow grovel up and over a steep slope before we regained the terrace. Weaving through supplejack and other vegetation, we climbed up and over a wee hump to avoid a waterfall and descended into a side stream. It was good travel up the stream and back to the main ridgeline. After another break in the sun we returned down the ridge but deviated onto another trapline that brought us out into the main valley of Muaūpoko Stream and then, after seven hours and with some pleasure, we saw the carpark.

Party members
John Allard, Karen Baker, Paul Bruce, Lois Buckrell, Robin Chesterfield, Colin Cook, Mary Kane, Cathy Milne, Chris Munn, Peggy Munn (leader and scribe), David Ogilvie, Mary Perkins, Wayne Perkins, Sieny Pollard, Janette Roberts, Bob Stephens, Ann Walker, Helena Weller-Chew, Cathy Wylie.

Page last modified on 2022 Dec 03 13:02

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