
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2022-02-16-Pigeon Bush

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L to R: Paul Bruce, Peter Morton,Trish Gardiner-Smith, Brian Hasell,
Peter Smith, Linda Beckett, Sue Scott, Rachel Fry, Marilyn Richards,
Alistair Beckett. Peter is holding up the detached top of the Nicholl trig.
Photo: Justin Kerr

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 94, no 3, April 2022

Pigeon Bush M

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Eleven people joined the Medium trip into Pigeon Bush on 16 February 2022. The day was clear and sunny with very little wind. The route into Pigeon Bush was from the northeastern part of the block owned by the Native Forest Restoration Trust and started over private land from SH2 at the Featherston end. It rose quite steeply to the top and then followed the ridgeline in a southerly direction towards Nicoll. Pleasing bush regrowth was noticeable, notwithstanding signs of goat activity. Views down and across the Wairarapa were extensive and frequently tree-framed. We paused near the old trig for lunch before turning eastwards and getting onto the Thomson Track, descending quite steeply to Prince Stream. Small perfumed white orchids were in abundance over this part of the route. Exit was over farmland onto Western Lake Road. This is the first time in a couple of years that this route has been available to us. Thanks are due to Colin Shore, the Trust Ranger, for making this arrangement and to Tim Verran for access over his property. The route is rather longer than it is from the usual Remutaka Hill Road entry point at Big Bend.

Party members
Linda and Alistair Beckett, Paul Bruce, Rachel Fry, Trish Gardiner-Smith, Brian Hasell, Justin Kerr (Leader and scribe), Peter Morten, Marilyn Richards, Sue Scott, Peter Smith.

Page last modified on 2022 Apr 06 03:35

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