
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Trip Reports 2022-01-10-Mt Kaukau

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Fitt1.jpg: 965x682, 258k (2022 Mar 02 22:57)
Monday from Sirsi Terrace, led by Sue.
Jenny, Chris, Viv, Vicki, Janet, Nina, Sue. Also Kim.
Fitt2.jpg: 290x247, 36k (2022 Mar 02 22:57)
Tuesday from Khandallah Pool, led by Viv.
Chris, Angela, Viv, Adrienne, Vicki, Fi, Deserae
Fitt3.jpg: 264x234, 36k (2022 Mar 02 22:57)
Wednesday via Bells Track, led by Nina.
Gilda, Kerrie, Viv. Also Nina
Fitt4.jpg: 517x308, 46k (2022 Mar 02 22:57)
Thursday from Truscott Park, led by Vicki.
Fi, Sylvia, Adrienne, Viv, Vicki
Fitt5.jpg: 871x801, 318k (2022 Mar 02 22:58)
Friday from Simla Crescent, led by Adrienne.
Chris, Jen, Melanie, Angela, Sylvia, Fi,
Viv, Ellen, Gilda, Adrienne, Jenny, Vicki. Also Dee.

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 94, no 2, March 2022

The FITT Group challenge

10 – 14 January

Climb the maunga - Mt Kaukau - every night for a week and by a different route each night. That was the FITT group's challenge during the week of 10 January. It was interesting to ascend to the top by a different route each night, with many of us doing some of the tracks for the first time. Twenty people joined in, many on multiple nights. Vivienne Healey made all five nights while the rest of us managed between one and four. On the Friday we celebrated with a meal at the Khandallah Pub. The routes we took: Monday - from Sirsi Terrace in Broadmeadows, led by Sue Tunnicliff Tuesday - from Khandallah Pool, led by Vivienne Healey Wednesday - via Bells Track and down to Simla Crescent, led by Nina Sawicki Thursday - from Truscott Park, Johnsonville, led by Vicki Wogan Friday - from Simla Crescent, led by Adrienne Vermeulen.

The FITT (Females in Tramping Training) group has an after-work trip schedule during daylight savings months. Our aim is to boost fitness for weekend tramping. It’s also very social and we often eat dinner out after a tramp. There are about 40 women on the TTC FITT email group. For more, with details of upcoming trips on 11 and 15 March and 3 April, see FITT.

Party members
Vicki Wogan (scribe).

Page last modified on 2022 Mar 02 23:09

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