
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2021-06-06-Te Whiti Riser-Mt Lowry

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Te Whiti.jpg: 989x652, 112k (2021 Jun 26 03:46)
Photo Alan Benge
Te Whiti2.jpg: 990x897, 194k (2021 Jun 26 03:46)
Cartoon Alan Benge

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This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 93, no 6, July 2021

Te Whiti Riser - Days Bay E/M

6 June 20210

The tramp commenced with a raid on a Whites Line East pastry shop, as the aroma of pies and sausage rolls was hard to resist. Finally, all seven trampers were rounded up and we set off, adequately provisioned for our walk to Days Bay.

Our trek began with a leisurely stroll up gentle Te Whiti Riser for the first 3.7 km. At an altitude of 249 metres, we enjoyed morning tea at the top of the Eastern hills, overlooking the Hutt Valley.

As there was little or no wind, conditions were excellent for tramping. Strolling along the access road on top of the hill, our party soon crossed Pukeatua pedestrian bridge, giving us safe access over busy Wainuiomata road.

It was soon time for lunch, sitting on a grassy bank at the Cheviot track junction to Lowry Bay. Shortly after we resumed our walk, we met a grizzled old gentleman with ragged shorts who was out for a solo ramble to York Bay. He stopped to talk, on his walk to York.

Pressing on through verdant beech forest, we scrambled and puffed up Mt Lowry. Fortunately, it was all downhill from then on. Orange-red rātā flowers were out in bloom along the route. The resulting photo surely must rata ten out of ten.

Extensive views from Ferry Road track overlooking Days Bay meant the finishing line was in sight. We just had time for a refreshing cafe stop at the Pavilion in Days Bay before masking up and catching the bus back to the Hutt and points further afield. An excellent day exploring the Eastern Hills with a great crew of happy trampers.

Party members
Judy Alexander, Carol Andrews, Alan Benge (leader and scribe), Simon Davis, Kair Lippiatt, Chris Paice, Lyn Taylor.

Page last modified on 2022 Dec 03 13:01

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