
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2021-04-07-Mt Kaukau

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L to R: Diana, Peter, Rosemary, Suzanne, Carolyn,
Jeannette, Trish, Linda, Penny

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 93, no 4, May 2021

Johnsonville, Skyline, Mt Kaukau ‘figure-of-eight’ circuit E/M

Wednesday 7 April

Ten members met in Johnsonville on a magnificent autumn morning after a cancellation the week before. We made our way to the western end of Broderick Road where we took the very newly opened Totara Park track. A 580 metre track that rises through varied regenerating bush where a group fostered by Johnsonville Community Association have been track-building and planting for several years. We checked up on a few kohekohe and miro plants that I had germinated and raised at home from Otari-sourced seeds, along with hand-planted podocarps and natives that had been supplied by WCC. The several kohekohe were in the ground long before the track had begun to be mapped out, and now, surprisingly a couple are visible from the path.

We turned north where the track emerges in McClintock Street and walked to the end where we headed up hill via tracks to join the Skyline/Northern walkway. After morning tea in a sheltered spot, we traversed the original upper-level trail south as far as the northern track down through the bush back toward Johnsonville. A brief stop to check out the tunnel for the historic water reservoir pipe took place as we descended to Truscott Reserve. Refreshed from water from the fountain associated with Johnsonville’s Emergency Water Supply, we set off again up hill in the bush, using the southern track (including its 28 sets of steps totalling over 400) to the Skyline. On then up through a regenerating bush bike trail, and on up to Mt Kaukau summit. A bit breezy at the top while we enjoyed magnificent views in all directions but we decided to have lunch just as we entered the trees as we headed downhill toward Khandallah.

We continued on through lovely bush toward Khandallah Park, saying goodbye to two of our members at the Simla Crescent track. Another member, attracted by handy public transport, decided to depart at Woodmancote Road! We remaining seven ascended again via the northern ridge track above Broadmeadows to the Skyline, then went north along the bush-clad bike trail to retrace a little open territory back to McClintock Street. From there we headed down a different route from our earlier one to steps to Flinders doggy park, down a little of Cortina Ave, turned up through Tralee Place Reserve to Birch Street, completing our figure-of-eight circuit, and finally went down the Hilton Way steps back to the cars.

All in all, a very enjoyable 5.5 hours, with a 14.5 km jaunt on a beautiful day and a final cup of tea for the five of us who had time, at my place.

Party members
Diana Barnes, Linda Beckett, Trish Gardiner-Smith, Carolyn Jenkins, Jeanette Martin, Kerry Popplewell, Penny Salmond (leader and scribe), Suzanne Sutton-Cummings, Peter Whiteford, Rosemary Wilson.

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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