
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2020-09-16-Pukerua Bay-Karehana Bay

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Pukerua1.jpg: 1416x827, 510k (2020 Oct 01 00:00)
L-R: Denise Udy, Peter Nixon, David Campbell, Anne Bond, Daphne Dashfield,
Lois Kruger, Pip Hart-Smith, Euan Macpherson, Sally Marx.
Absent: Howard Livingston. Photo: Alan Benge

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 92, no 9, October 2020

Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton E

16 September 2020

Gusty northwest winds were predicted as our group met at Plimmerton Station. We decided to go initially to Pukerua by train, so we could walk back with blustery breezes behind us. This was a good decision.

At Pukerua we commenced following the picturesque Hidden Valley track along a gully.

Over busy SH1 via a pedestrian bridge, then along a sealed cycleway heading south. Our party relaxed in the sun along the way, enjoying morning tea reinforced by Whittaker’s chocs.

A handy loo break at Whenua Tapu cemetery was next. We then had a brief road walk, single file, and gained the northern end of the Taua Tapu Track.

To the leader’s surprise, his suggestion of a dung-strewn clearing for lunch was rejected, so we continued onwards up across farmland in search of a better spot.

At the highest point on the track, we enjoyed magnificent views of the seaward Kaikouras, snowy-capped on the southern horizon.

A highlight was stopping beside a field of friendly alpacas. It was pointed out that we should take care, because these animals spit. However this didn’t occur and there was no cause for a llama.

A sheltered place for lunch in the sun was located at the top of the Reserve steps. Afterwards our party meandered down to Karehana Bay, passing unreal realty on our way back to Plimmerton.

Party members
Denise Udy, Peter Nixon, David Campbell, Anne Bond, Daphne Dashfield, Lois Kruger, Pip Hart-Smith, Euan Macpherson, Sally Marx, Howard Livingston, Alan Benge (leader and scribe).

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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