
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2020-08-23-Gollans Stream

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Gollans Stream
Photo : Michele Dickson

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 92, no 9, October 2020

Days Bay, Gollans ‘S’ Bend and Valley EM

Sunday 23 August

A slow, leisurely, trip up the Kereru Track to the main ridge and the 40 seconds’ walk north to the chosen trapping route had us heading into the Gollans Valley. It was about 12 minutes down to morning tea at the junction where this route divides to follow two spurs down. We took the left-hand spur, which runs directly to the ‘S’ bend, pausing frequently to check out our surroundings and chatter. The picnic area on the north side of the bend is always a great place to have lunch, after exploring the geography of the bend. Recently, some users have erected a sign on a tree reading ‘Camp Fenrir’ A quick check by Alan showed that Fenrir was reputedly a huge wolf in Norse mythology. They had also slung a couple of rope swings on two other trees. Did we try them? Of course.

Replenished, we followed the river trail south for a short distance as it sidled above the cute gorge, taking great care to avoid any slither into its narrow, dark blue/green depths a few metres below for an unintended swim. Back in the gravel and lower-level water, keeping dry feet was easy while we wandered along to the side stream on the true right. To keep the trip short, we decided to take this corner exit, at the bottom of the “other” spur, up to our morning tea spot. Members were commenting on the bright light-green foliage of the abundant Dracophyllum young plants (also known as serpentine bush, which in the East Harbour Park can grow to over four metres high) contrasting with the darker carpets of lush kidney fern. Not in flower yet were plenty of the little fleshy epiphytic orchids clinging to beech tree trunks. A shower caused our parkas to come out for ten minutes or so, but then the sun came out in time for the main ridge views. The foot pads of the routes were good on both spurs, a change from the mud pools of the main ridge, and we didn’t spot any carcasses in traps.

Returning on the Korimako Track, there was still time to enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

Party members
Yvonne Ashton, Alan Benge, Muriel Christianson, Michele Dickson (leader and scribe), Joanne Gapes, Liz Martin, Pip Newton, Nina Sawicki, Peter Shanahan, Ingrid Ward, Deb West, Marris Weight.

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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