
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2020-08-19-South Miramar

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Miramar.jpg: 594x420, 74k (2020 Sep 26 05:00)
Sketch by Alan Benge

This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 92, no 8, September 2020

South Miramar Wander

19 August 2020

Our group started off from the Seatoun Bus terminus on a rather cool, grey, overcast day with the promise of NW showers later on.

We strolled briskly along Marine Parade, going north.

Our first ascent was up Beere Haven steps, which proved an excellent warm up.

We passed highly-priced harbourside houses along Newport Terrace.

A helpful local woman with a dog accompanied us along Khyber Road past new housing. Marvellous views followed on our descent via a zig zag path back to Marine Parade.

As we continued north to Worser Bay, the weather changed and indeed, looked worser than before.

Undaunted we climbed up a bush track off Awa Road, and then along Nevay Road at the top. It was decided to follow the road up to Mt Crawford Prison. Cell phone reception was good here.

We enjoyed a damp lunch under a tree outside the prison as rain began to fall. After admiring the barbed wire, our group set off back towards Miramar.

Despite the drizzle, it was pleasant rambling along Maupuia Walkway to eventually reach bus stops along the main road.

Thanks to Chris Horne for his help in researching the forgotten byways and bush tracks hidden in the hills above Seatoun and Miramar.

Party members
Alan Benge (leader and scribe), Hadley and Anne Bond, Margaret Foden, Helen MacNeill, Euan Macpherson, Peter Nixon, Jill and Steve Phillips.

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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