
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2018-11-14-Pukeatua

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This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 90, no 11, December 2018

Pukeatua and return from South Mangaone Road M

Wednesday 14th November 2018

Pukeatua is the highest point of the Te Araroa trail linking Otaki Forks and the South Mangaone Road east of Waikanae. The vegetation on Pukeatua is scrubby sub-alpine and comprises mostly leatherwood, dracophyllum and some tussock patches. The area gives good views to the east of Mt Hector and the Dress Circle of the Southern Crossing, Elder and the Renata Ridge, Judd Ridge from Table Top to Bridge Peak and parts of the Southern Main Range. Mt Holdsworth and Isabelle are visible through the Aokaparangi-Kahiwiroa saddle and in the distance the prominent peaks of the Northern Tararuas. Setting out from the South Mangaone road end the track climbs at times quite steeply through an area of recent logging before entering the bush. The lead group were given the task of locating the twin rata trees where we would have morning tea. The morning tea site is an area from where a spur can be followed west to a stream and up the other side of the stream to a low saddle. This route was used on many of Peter Jagger’s trips in the area. After morning tea the front group were given the task of locating the Henderson trail turn off located just before bump 762. The track to Pukeatua now follows a more easterly direction, climbing gradually until the scrub summit, which is marked by an old rusty survey pole, is reached. An open mossy area just below the summit was a good lunch area. The area was also the home to a population of red ants. After lunch we retraced our steps back to the cars. DR

Party members
Peter Barber, Linda Beckett, Bob Buckle, John Hill, Mary Kane, Carol Kelly, Doreen Launder, Cheryl McDonald, Cathy Milne, Lynne Pomare, Dave Reynolds (leader and scribe), Penny Salmond, Christine Whiteford

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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