
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Trip Reports 2014-12-17-Days Bay-Muritai

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This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper in Volume 87, no 1, February 2015

Days Bay Beach and Bush Ramble

Wednesday Dec. 17th.

This delightfully social ramble began with a smooth as silk ferry crossing to Days Bay. There we met the rest of our twenty strong ?? group for coffee and cheese scones at the Pavilion. Next came a leisurely procession along the beach and streets to the Eastbourne Recreation grounds and suddenly it was lunchtime. What luck! Just behind the picnic tables was a function room with an open bar, so it was the usual tramping lunch plus a cool glass of wine.

As for the bush part, four of us dashed slowly up the Muritai track while the others rambled to various bus stops. Younger trampers, remember that many of our group now in their 70s and 80s used to do the sort of trip that you now do, but we are still enjoying the friendship and activity of tramping, just at a slower pace! MF

Margaret added, It's not often that our E, R and BBB group have anything of note to contribute, but this pre-Christmas gathering was so successful that we will do the same again at the end of 2015.

Party members
David Burson, Judith Claridge, Mary Cropp, Dorothy Douglass, Syd Edwards, Margaret Foden (leader and scribe), Carole Haigh, Pip Hart-Smith, Paul Jones, Mary Kempster, Kath Kerr, Janet King, Rolf Kluger, Chris Lock, Brenda Neill, Peter Nixon, Kath Offer, Barbara Ogilvie, Michelle Paterson, Kath Satory

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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