
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2012-02-04-Waingawa River

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This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 84, no 3, April 2012

Mitre Flats - Waingawa River Trip - (M)

Saturday 4th February

It was an early start on Saturday and as we drove out to meet at Brown Owl, low cloud draped the Hutt Valley hills like feathered blankets. Nine of us hoped the latest forecast for mist and drizzle would somehow revert into the earlier one which had light winds and sunshine, but no. However, we made good time and 12.30 p.m. saw us having lunch at Mitre Flats Hut, thinking that it was a better idea to change into thermals rather than swimming togs. The first 40 minutes down river had easy travel, but then river crossings became increasingly deeper. The pools were magical with crystal clear water but not inviting enough for too many of us to have voluntary swims. Fortunately the deepest and longest periods of wading came towards the end of the trip, and five hours after lunch a tired, cold, wet, but happy bunch were back at the road end. Thanks to Pip for another great and memorable trip down the Waingawa River.

Party members
Paul Bruce, Colleen Davey, Alan Graham, Yukari Kaihori, Liz Martin (scribe), Pip Newton (leader), Sheelagh Leary, Rosemary Wilson, Karen Newton.

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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