
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Trip Reports 2010-10-02-Mick-Tangata Maunga

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This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Volume 82, no 10, November 2010

Mick - Tangata Maunga

2 October 2010

Map NZTopo 50 BN33 Levin.

We parked our cars near the Waitohu Valley Quarry, accessed from Waitohu Valley Road, and crossed the farm alongside the Waitohu Stream before heading up towards Mick. Dave had already obtained the farmer's permission to cross the land - always a good idea.

‘Enjoying the Sun’. Left to right: Sheelagh Leary, John Rhodes, Bob White, Alina Emen,  Colleen Davey, Dave Bartle, Alan Wright and Nigel Boniface. Photo: Lynne Pomare
‘Enjoying the Sun’. Left to right: Sheelagh Leary, John Rhodes, Bob White, Alina Emen, Colleen Davey, Dave Bartle, Alan Wright and Nigel Boniface. Photo: Lynne Pomare

After an hour or so we stopped for a break and enjoyed the first of the views down over the Horowhenua. Next we came across aircraft parts and moved off the track to the site of the Lockheed Ventura NZ4573 that crashed on 28 February 1946. Four airmen were killed but the downed plane was not found (despite a search at the time) until 18 March 1949 when a search was mounted for a NAC Lockheed Lodestar which had gone missing behind Waikanae.

Lunch on Mick and then along the ridge towards Tangata Maunga and the Wellington Regional Council rain gauge known as "Waitatapia at Taungata". After a rest in the sun and a photo opportunity at the trig (912m) we moved down the track and onto a four wheel drive track that led us back to the farm and our cars - a nine hour day.

Amongst our group was a new club member, a recently arrived American from Seattle, and two Wairarapa trampers!

Thanks Dave for a great day out!

Party members
Dave Bartle (leader), Nigel Boniface, Colleen Davey, Alina Emen, Sheelagh Leary, Lynne

Pomare, John Rhodes, Bob White and Alan Wright (scribe).

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:51

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