
Tararua Tramping Club

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Trip Reports 2007-06-20-Winter Solstice Celebration

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This article was first published in the Tararua Tramper Vol 79, no 6, July 2007

Winter Solstice . . .

Wednesday 20th June

Forty-three people turned up at the Guide Centre in Crofton Downs on Wednesday 20th June for a mid-winter solstice celebration. The weather was fine, if overcast and cool. Bruce Popplewell led one group for a bush walk through Huntleigh Park up to the exit in Huntleigh Park Way in Ngaio, returning via the track from Heke Street to Thatcher Crescent. Brenda Neill took others on a walk in the upper reaches of Ngaio Gorge. Everyone then warmed up in the Guide Centre before enjoying an ample and tasty lunch: from stuffed eggs and bacon and egg pie to pavlova and fruit, it was all there. To celebrate her birthday, Margaret Foden had brought along a most delicious cake and we all sang our appreciation when the candles were lit! More singing of (once) well-known tramping songs soon followed with Andy doing his best to keep us more or less in tune. (Syd pointed out how very non-PC many of these ditties would be considered nowadays!) It was great to have the chance to catch up with members, not all of whom can still do much tramping, and it was nearly 2pm before most of the party reluctantly made way for the cleaning team. Those present

Party members
Andy Andersen, Fay Barclay, Diana

Barnes, Michael Bartlett, David Burson, Graeme and Judith Claridge, Pat Crosby, Dave Currie, Jessie Crothers, Dorothy Douglass, Dave and Tania Dyett, John and Margaret Foden, Denis and Marjorie Gee, Olga Gluhin, Carole Haigh, Peter Jagger, Kath Kerr, Janet King, Rolf Kluger, Frances Lee, Jenny Lewis, Mary Mason, Maria Mears, Jenny and Peter Murray, Syd Moore, Gordon McKenzie, Peter Nixon, Celia O’Neill, Kath Offer, Barbara and David Ogilvie, Michelle Paterson, Bruce and Kerry Popplewell (leaders and scribe), Joyce Royle, Kath Satory, George Spencer, Marris Weight. (39 members, 4 non-members).(This list was compiled by a small team after the event, we apologise if your name was omitted).

Category: Day Wellington

Page last modified on 2022 Dec 03 13:01

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