
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Trip Information Wednesday Trip Information

Trip information revised September 2024

Information for Wednesday Trampers and Leaders

Everyone who goes on Wednesday trips is asked to make themselves familiar with the information in the following paragraphs. There is also useful information in the TTC leadership kit and leader check list.

Organising the trips

  • We operate through an email list.
  • Every Sunday, the Wednesday Organiser sends out an email describing the trips for the coming Wednesday, and sometimes other messages.
  • The trips have their own trip page
  • The tramping programme relies on members offering to lead trips.
  • Twice each year, the Wednesday Organiser sends out an email request to the Wednesday trampers to offer trips for the coming six months, and shares the resulting programme with the email list and on the TTC website.

Trip grading

Each week there are four or five trips offered from among the following grades.

RRamble2 to 3 hours, at a very leisurely pace.
EEasyUp to 4 hours per day, pace slower than EM.
EMEasy to MediumUp to 5 to 6 hrs per day, pace slower than M.
MMediumUp to 7 hours per day, at standard walking pace, some off track travel.
SFSlow fitFit trip at a slower pace than the standard pace
MFMedium to FitUp to 8 hours per day, pace faster than M, off track and above bush line travel to be expected.
FFitOver 8 hours per day, pace faster than MF.

Grade times are estimates only. Speed, length, and difficulty of terrain increase with the grade.
The time a trip takes on the day will vary according to party members, numbers, state of the track, weather, etc.

Trip members

  • Email the leader that you are coming.
  • Tell the leader if you can offer, or need help with, transport.
  • Mention if you have any other requirements.
  • Please avoid using “reply all” unless truly necessary. (We don't want to overwhelm members' inboxes.)
  • If in doubt after reading the trip description, contact the leader to talk about your own tramping experience in relation to the trip. 
  • A leader may contact you if they are unsure that the planned trip will be suitable for you.
  • Individual members have a responsibility of being capable, which includes being certain that they have recovered from any injury or illness.
  • If you are likely to be a lot slower than the rest of the group, please change to an easier grade tramp which will be more enjoyable and safer for you and for everybody.
  • Let your emergency contact know where you are going and the time you expect to arrive home.
  • Tell the leader or a friend on the trip if you are on any medication, and what needs to be done if you require help.
  • Always carry your headlamp, emergency blanket, and personal first aid kit. See Trampers First Aid.
  • Always stay in sight of other people on the trip.
  • The trip leader is usually at the front.
  • Faster trampers should not get ahead of the group except with the leader’s agreement.
  • Tell people if you have to “pop behind a tree” (leave your backpack in sight on the track), are having trouble keeping up, or have stopped to take a photo.
  • Generally, dogs are unsuitable with groups of people, or on narrow tracks.
  • Our drivers appreciate not having wet/muddy clothes and boots in their cars. Please bring a change of clothing and a big leak-proof bag for your boots.
  • New members can consider attending the Club’s Bushcraft training course.
  • When tramping, observe what good leaders do to ensure a safe and happy trip.
  • For further information please read Trip Information.

Wednesday group communications and emergency contacts

The Wednesday group maintains an email list called "Wednesday Trampers' Contact Information" which has three purposes:

  • The Sunday messages about the trips for the coming Wednesday, and for other matters of importance to the Wednesday trampers.
  • Emergency access to the names and phone numbers of emergency contacts.
  • Contacting the trip leader or participants if there are transport holdups on the way to the start of the trip.

Everyone should keep an electronic copy of the list on their phone, or a paper copy in their backpack, able to be quickly used if needed.
Every year, participants are asked to update their details on the Wednesday email list.
This is in line with the Club's recommendation that "Day trip groups are encouraged to have a list of emergency contacts that are updated annually and shared electronically with members who are on the group's email list."

Trip Leaders

  • When planning your trip, ensure you have permission to cross any private property. Contact the Wednesday Organiser or the Chief Guide if you are unsure.
  • You can set a maximum limit on numbers for your trip, on a first-come, first-accepted basis.
  • Ensure that you have a copy of the "Wednesday Trampers' Contact Information" on your phone or in your backpack, to refer to in the case of an emergency.
  • Leave a description of the route and the names of trip participants with your personal emergency contact. 
  • If cars are needed at both ends of a trip, the leader will need to organise a car shuttle.
  • Phone or email anyone who has signalled interest in the trip if you have a doubt about their capability. Ask about their prior tramping experience so you can assess whether they will cope with and enjoy your planned trip.
  • Leaders may occasionally need to tell people the trip is unsuitable for them. There are two main reasons for this:
    • the terrain is beyond their capability e.g., too exposed.
    • the trip is too fast, long, or strenuous for that particular person.
  • If you cannot lead the trip you originally offered, try to arrange a swap, then advise the Wednesday Organiser of the outcome, and update the entry on the website. Or ask the Wednesday Organiser to help you.

Tararua Tramper's Guide

  • If the trip is in the Tararuas please refer to the Tararua Tramper's Guide.
  • Please consider making, or providing, feedback and updates to the guide upon your return.

Publicising your trip

  • Every Sunday, the Wednesday Organiser advises everyone on the email list about the trips on offer for the coming Wednesday. 
  • Please email your trip notice to the Wednesday Organiser no later than Saturday, for inclusion in the Sunday email. Or send it out using 'Reply All', by Sunday evening. 

The trip notice should include:

  • A description of the intended tramp, keeping in mind that newer members may not be familiar with the area. The description may be quite brief for Rambles and Easy trips, and usually more detailed for the other grades.
  • Indicate the degree of difficulty of the trip: for example total estimated time, height to be climbed, steepness, on or off track, river crossings, rock scrambling, distance if lengthy, etc.
  • If the trip is dependent on a late weather forecast, state when the final email will be sent confirming whether the trip will proceed or will be cancelled.
  • If the weather is not suitable for the planned trip, offer an alternative. 
  • Meeting places and times, whether transport by cars, buses, or trains. State where cars will leave from and where people can gather to pool cars (be specific so that new people know exactly where to gather), or whether individuals are to make their own transport arrangements.
  • Tell people to let you know if they are coming, where they will meet the group, and whether they can offer (or need) transport.
  • The cut-off time for members to say they are coming, often by noon on Tuesday. On easier trips, leaders may be happy for members to simply turn up at the starting place without advance notification.
  • Your cellphone number for people to ring if they are held up en route, or want to check that the trip is suitable for them.
  • The cost per car to be shared (see Trip Transport?).
  • An estimate of the time arriving back in Wellington (or other relevant location), assuming all going to plan.
  • The time on Tuesday afternoon when you will either email all participants about any carshare plan you have created, or email everyone with the names of all participants so that people can make their own carshare arrangements.
  • Point out any special requirements or conditions, eg poles for river trips, gaiters where the track will be scratchy.

Running your trip

At the start of the trip

  • Describe the route, and if feasible show it on a map.
  • Do an introduction round with people giving their names. 
  • Do a head count; in large groups get two people to do it. Make sure everyone knows how many people are in the group.
  • Ensure that stronger members of the group take the role of 'tail ender', for different parts of the trip.
  • Check who is carrying a Personal Locator Beacon. The TTC recommends at least two PLBs be taken on any trip.
  • Tell people to call out if they can no longer see the person in front of them, or behind them.

On the trip

  • Check regularly that the pace is appropriate for all, keeping the whole group together
  • Have a few short breaks climbing up or down steep hills, as required
  • Pause at track junctions or any confusing places, to ensure the whole party follows.
  • Do a head count from time to time.
  • Stop at suitable places and times for tea breaks and lunch.
    • Tell the group how long the break will be and what time the walking will resume.
    • Give a '5 minute warning'.
  • Ensure everyone is comfortable crossing rivers or scrambling up rocks etc. Ask stronger people to offer assistance.
  • Help aspiring leaders by explaining decisions, allowing them to lead, etc.

Soon after the trip

  • Prior to the next Monday, please email the Weekly Activity Reporters -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website advising the route taken, the number of members and non-members, weather and track conditions, and anything of particular interest.
  • Share the trip with other members: write it up (or delegate) for the Club website and/or The Tararua Tramper: Peter Reimann -> mailto:ttc [period] tramper [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 938 9602 .

Page last modified on 2024 Nov 11 05:11

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