
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Trip Information TTC Michael Taylor Van

Operating forms

  • booking - please contact the Van Officer, Paul Maxim -> mailto:ttc [period] transport [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 447 0459
  • check-out form
  • check-in form

The TTC Michael Taylor Van

van wairau.jpg: 1534x1710, 598k (2017 Oct 17 01:42)
TTC Michael Taylor van

The new club van, a white LWB Ford Transit 12 seater, was purchased on 13 September 2016 from Capital City Ford, Taranaki Street, for $63,480.00 including GST. The cost of the van has been covered by grants from the Michael Taylor and Elizabeth Viggers bequests, the Whiteacre Trust, and general club funds. There is no money owing on the purchase.

The expected life span of van club use is ten years, with the van being depreciated over that period. The van and its related operations will be administered by a committee:

  • Transport Officer (Paul Maxim -> mailto:ttc [period] transport [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 447 0459)
  • Treasurer (Carol Kelly -> mailto:ttc [period] treasurer [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 04 972 5895)
  • GC instruction coordinator (vacancy)

Operating procedure:


Van booking is done by contacting the Transport Officer Paul Maxim -> mailto:ttc [period] transport [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 447 0459 and providing the following information:

  • trip leader’s name and contact details
  • expected number of persons travelling
  • dates of use and proposed destination and route

Pickup, fuelling and return

  • The van will be picked up and returned from its pickup location by a club member after booking.
  • There is generally good parking where the van will be positioned for the pick-up vehicle.

The pickup location is readily accessible by public bus. The person picking up the van will complete a check-out form identifying the main driver, van kilometres, and some other trip information.

A similar "check-in" form exists for completion on van return. Both forms can be completed using a smartphone or tablet.

Inside the van’s glove box will be a fuel card. Members should use this to refuel the van with diesel. The card permits only fuel purchases.

For ferry vehicle bookings the van length is 6 metres.

Fees and Payment

Users will pay a fixed per-person fee for selected destinations (see the [[#fareschedule|Fare schedule]). For non-selected destinations further afield the rate of 8 cents per person per kilometre applies. Non-members pay an additional 50%. There is no youth rate.

  • Users will pay the fee into the club account (02-0500-0022732-00) putting van and the trip date as a reference.
  • Payment must be done within 7 days of the trip finishing.
  • A 10% penalty applies for payments made past the 7 days.


The van key will be in a combination lock box (location to be advised in the booking) The combination number will be changed frequently. Inside the vehicle will be a small kit containing a first aid kit, torch, high visability vest, rubbish bags, cleaning cloth, brush and pan, and drivers log. Please use these as required.

The Transport Officer will keep the van refuelled (DIESEL), clean and tidy and will maintain a comprehensive mileage, maintenance and user log. The 12 month Service (at Capital City Ford), updating of the road user charges (RUC) and maintenance will be completed by the Transport Officer as necessary.

The Treasurer will pay the Insurance premium, monthly fuel card balance, and all costs incurred by the van use and reimburse the Transport Officer as required.

Hirer’s responsibility:

  • return the van to the pickup location in a generally clean and tidy condition and return the key to its lock box
  • the returned van should be empty of all passenger contents and belongings. Please Note: It does not have to be returned fully refuelled
  • fill in van check-out and check-in forms, recording leader and passenger names, date and travel route and include any refuelling receipts
  • report to the Transport Officer any damage or incidents, driving infringements, suspected speeding tickets etc. This is mandatory

Van Rules:

  • The van is available to use by club members for official club trips, as well as private trips so long as there is always a club member in the van
  • The van driver must be over 25 years of age and have a current drivers licence.
  • The driver does not have to be a club member as long as the above criteria are fully met
  • If there is more than one party wanting to book the van for the same time slot the order of priority is: instruction, youth, work parties, fixture card trips, non-fixture card club-member trips, private bookings
  • The club will pay any insurance excess for vehicle damage except where damage to the van has been caused by carelessness or negligence. In this situation the person causing the damage will be expected to pay
  • All speeding tickets and driving infringement fines must be paid by the person responsible

The contact person for the van is Paul Maxim -> mailto:ttc [period] transport [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 447 0459.

I look forward to a new era of communal club transport and encourage all members to use our new purchase when planning a club trip.

Paul Maxim -> mailto:ttc [period] transport [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 447 0459

Van fares

Van fares are for the return trip to the destination.

Destination and return$ Fare
per person
Wellington City area10
Hutt Valley & Porirua area12
Pukerua Bay15
Tararua Forest Park:
Te Marua, Kaitoke14
Tauwharenīkau, Waikanae18
Walls Whare, Holdsworth, Ōtaki Forks25
Waingawa, Ōhau25
Northern Tararua entrances30
Remutaka Forest Park:
Wainuiomata entrances (Sunny Grove)12
Catchpool, Ōrongorongo River mouth, Baring Head12
Pigeon Bush/Wairongomai, Remutaka Incline22
Aorangi Forest Park, Cape Palliser33
Ruahine Forest Park:
Southern entrances (Sixtus Lodge/Rangiwahia)48
Northern entrances50
Central North Island:
Te Papakura o Taranaki entrances55
Ohakune, Whanganui River50
Tararua Lodge, Tongariro Crossing60
Kaimanawa and Kaweka Forest Parks65
Turangi and Lake Taupō rock climbing areas60
Upper South Island:
Marlborough Sounds, Blenheim25
Nelson, Mt Richmond30
Golden Bay, Cobb, Nelson Lakes45
Awatere, Molesworth40
Murchison, Lewis Passapprox 65
Arthur's Passapprox 110
Lower South Island and Upper North Island:
  • All destinations south of Christchurch and north of Turangi to be charged at the rate of 10 cents per person per kilometre.
  • Minimum of 6 persons in the van for longer trips (or equivalent charge if fewer people).
Trip Information, Transport

Page last modified on 2024 Jul 10 05:46

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