
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Trip Information Trip Grading

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See also Tararua Tramper's guide grading and fitness

Trip Grading

Factors such as type of terrain, prevailing weather conditions, general party fitness (a party is as fast as its slowest member), and leadership, never repeat themselves in an identical fashion so times are estimates only.

RRamble2 to 3 hours, at a very leisurely pace.
BBBBus-boots-busBus to walk, and bus back to start.
EEasyUp to 4 hours per day, pace slower than EM.
EMEasy to MediumUp to 5 to 6 hrs per day, pace slower than M.
MMediumUp to 7 hours per day, at standard walking pace, some off track travel.
MFMedium to FitUp to 8 hours per day, pace faster than M, off track and above bush line travel to be expected.
SMSlow mediumMedium trip at a slower pace than the standard pace
SFSlow fitFit trip at a slower pace than the standard pace
FFitOver 8 hours per day, pace faster than MF.
FamilySuitable for school age family members with parents.
PreschoolSuitable for preschool children in buggies.
InstructionInstruction such as Bushcraft or Alpine instruction
LodgeTrips based on lodge accommodation. Can have different grades of trip at the same time.
SkiBoard, ski, and snow trips, often based at Tararua Lodge
AlpineAlpine climbing trips generally involve 8hr+ days and require AIC skills or equivalent experience. Where a number is given, this is the grade of the climb using the Mt Cook system(approve sites). Contact the leader for advice on experience and skills required.
RockRock climbing trips require rope and belaying skills and experience. Where a grade is given this is the Ewbank grade(approve sites). Contact the leader for advice on experience and skills required.
CycleCycle trip grades use the Kennett Bros grading system
WPWork party. An opportunity to help work on and maintain the clubs facilities

Trip grades are a guide only, for a better idea of any trip pace please discuss with the leader. For example, a medium party travelling faster and longer than an easy party may cover up to twice the distance or height of the easy party.

Page last modified on 2024 Sep 17 10:26

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