
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Tour Why

-< FullName="Photos.2024-04-05MilfordTrack"; group="Photos"; name="-HomePage,-*Template*,-RandomImage,-Test*,-Recent*,-Group*,-PhotoCompetition,-*PhotoCompetitionRules*,-SideBar,-*Index*"; thumbname=""; thumbskip="*.gif|*.png|*_omit*"; count="3"; thumbcount="1"

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Milford Mac Kinnon Pass
Photo: Peggy 
2024-05-04 09.53.01; '2024 May 04 09:53'
Original size: 4,000 x 3,000; 2,621 kB
Milford Mac Kinnon Pass

Photo: Peggy

click to see gallery

Pic 2
2012-03-16 12.14.18; '2012 Mar 16 12:14'
Original size: 800 x 534; 256 kB
Pic 2
click to see gallery

; '2012 Dec 10 11:15'
Original size: 1,024 x 598; 184 kB

Why have a website, anyway ...

  • "brochureware"
to provide lots of public information about the club and its activities for members and for potential members
the website is the primary point of contact for the public and new members
  • club information
to provide up to date information about the club's location and the various people who contribute to the club's activities and wellbeing
  • services to members
to provide multiple communication channels for our members
  • reflecting what we have done
to provide a record of, and information about past trips and activities, to inform future trips and activities
  • accessibility - via the web - most places most times (no, not in the hills, but you can get it from Tararua Lodge)
  • timely - very quick to update
    • any and all members can contribute
    • general, social, and ski and lodge committee have a special role in providing updates

Page last modified on 2022 Apr 26 03:18

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