
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Tararua Lodge Trip Leader

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PA Sian
Photo: Sian
2008-10-02 15.19.38; '2008 Oct 02 15:19'
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PA Sian

Photo: Sian

Information for trip leaders

Tararua Lodge trip leaders run the school holiday, alpine training, climbing and mountaineering, and club events for the lodge committee and the regular weekend and week trips, not to mention summer trips and activities.

If you were interested in leading either a week (Sunday or Monday night to Thursday night, vacate Friday) or weekend (Friday night to Saturday night, vacate Sunday) at the lodge, then please contact the ski committee Tararua Lodge Committee -> mailto:ttc [period] tararua [period] lodge [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website Vivienne Radcliffe on 021 948 634 or Vince Jennings on 027 437 8958.

Being a trip leader involves:

  •  being a contact point prior to the trip for others interested in stay at the lodge for that week or weekend that you'd be leading
  • co-coordinating any transport (car pooling)
  • drawing up a menu and a shopping list of fresh food that you'd ask them to bring with them - mostly vegetables, fruit, meat and bread. 
There are supplies of 'dry - bulk' items like porridge, jams, tinned foodstuffs already at the lodge following club work party visits earlier this season.
  • drawing up and assigning a roster of cooking or house keeping duties
  • Collecting lodge/food fees, recording this, getting those details to the ski committee and the money to the club treasurer.
The ski committee will provide you with the appropriate forms, lists for bulk food, and an example of some basic menus and food quantities required.
  • ensuring the building is left clean and tidy when you leave
  • Opening and closing the lodge, power, water, electricity and fire alarm systems, if the was no one there either preceding or following on from you. This takes about 15 to 20 minutes following a help guide detailing what you need to do.

Many thanks

the ski committee

Page last modified on 2024 May 13 05:58

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