Information about Tararua Lodge
Here is everything you wanted to know, but perhaps were afraid to ask, about Tararua Lodge, for trip members, trip leaders, ski committee, and all club members.
Lodge visitors
- Notes For New Comers Lodge notes for newcomers
- Snow and Lodge trips Fixture Card for Board, Ski, Snow, and Tararua Lodge trips
- Tararua Lodge Charges Fees for using Tararua Lodge
- Tararua Lodge Rules Tararua Lodge Rules
- Tararua Lodge Things 14 useful things to know about going to and using Tararua Lodge
- Visiting Tararua Lodge Information for Tararua Lodge visitors
Trip leaders
- Leaders Letter Tararua Lodge trip leader's letter from ski and lodge committee
- Tararua Lodge Duties Duty descriptions
- Tararua Lodge Menu Menu for a week at the lodge
- Trip Leader What a Tararua Lodge trip leader does
Lodge information to download
- Lodge opening and closing instructions
- Dishwasher Instructions
- Drying Room Instruction.pdf
Duty and food lists for download
- Bulk food list
- Lodge bulkfood plan
- Duty list week (Sunday to Friday)
- Duty list weekend (Saturday, Sunday, Monday)
- Duty list wed to fri
- Duty list sat to tue
Mountain information for download
- Tararua Lodge_Trail_Map_Whakapapa
- Ruapehu recycling
- Mt Ruapehu Medical Centre Poster 2022
- Volcanic hazards at Whakapapa
- Volcanic hazards at Tūroa