Tararua Lodge Summer bookings
Tararua Lodge is availble to clubs members and their guests over the summer, and the lodge can be exclusively hired.
The lodge committee is trialling an alternative booking system for summer visits.
All stays at the lodge must be booked and paid for in advance.
There are no scheduled "trips" as such. The lodge will be operated on a self cater basis for the summer and nights required can be booked individually.
Please go to the Lodge summer booking system, register and book the nights you require here
A guide to registering and booking lodge nights can be found here
You can register here on the summer booking system using either an exisitng social media account, google account or create you own account using an email address and password. When registering please select the approriate membership type. If you are a current TTC member use a "member" membership, this will be validated.
If your are not a current TTC member use a non member membership.
Each person wanting to stay must register, including children. You can elect whether the names of each member is displayed in the mermbership directory or not at registration, or at any time later from your profile.
Note that in keeping with club policy all lodge users must be fully vacinated against COVID-19. You can verify your vacination staus in the Helloclub system once registered.
For the youth, child or infant category you will need to include a date of birth. If you sue the adult category no date of birth is required.
In keeping with club policy you and all family members over 12 will need to have a COVID-19 vacine passport verified before you can make any bookings at the lodge.
If you want to register a family group you can add additional linked members to your account during registration. Once created you can set up a circle in your profile adding family members so you can book and pay for nights on behalf of your circle members.
Each person staying will need to make a separate booking. You can add people to a "circle" so that one person can book and pay for stays on behalf of the group or family members.
Once booked you should pay for the nights booked. Online payment is not yet availabe so to pay please make a a bank transfer to the club account with as follows:
Bank account 02-0500-0022732-00
Particualrs: TTCLodge
Code: Surname of the account name you want credited for the booking + an intial if it fits.
Reference : date of first night in format "dd-mm-yy"
One person can make a single payment for a group or each person can pay separately. Your system account will be credited with the total amout paid and then you can apply the credit to pay each indivudal booking for you group and/or trandfer credit to another account.
If you have any issues or need help please contact Kevin Mason -> mailto:kevin [period] mason [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz