
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Tararua Lodge Rangitira Lift Rules And Conditions

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TTC note: you can upload with a pack on the Sky Waka or Rangitira at any time if you are on skis

Rules and Conditions for use of Rangitira Lift at Whakapapa Skifield

For the remainder of the 2020 season RAL is allowing gear uploading and foot passengers as outlined below.

It is important that everyone understands the rules and conditions that have been provided by RAL and respects RAL staff managing the lift at all times, they do so for everybodies safety !.

Foot Passenger Uploading Conditions

  • All uploading will take place subject to weather and operational requirements – if lifts close early for any reason no upload will take place;
  • If the lift has maintenance/lift/patrol clearance RAL will be happy to load club members on foot from 8.45am to 9am.
  • Within reason RAL will be happy to load bags and foot passengers. All chairs carrying foot passengers will need to be stopped so this will need to be managed.
  • Happy to repeat this with gear and foot passengers from 3.45pm to closing at 4pm.
  • During the rest of the normal operating time during the day access will require ski/board passengers only with one bag that needs to be managed & carried by the individual.
  • Everybody regardless of times will require passes.
  • A pack or bag will be considered to be a ‘seat’ for the purposes of determining chair capacity i.e. two people with a bag each will be the maximum permitted on a single quad chair;


  • Passengers must be wearing warm clothing appropriate to the conditions noting that there is a possibility of an extended wait in the event a lift evacuation needs to occur due to the timing of the upload (during daily sweep which occupies most Patrol staff). Passengers wearing insufficient warm clothing will not be permitted to load the lift.
  • Sturdy footwear (hiking boots, snowboard boots or similar) should be worn with high ankle for support on soft or uneven snow. Persons wearing low-ankle street shoes, smooth soled boots, high heeled shoes or similar will not be permitted to load the lift.

Downloading will not be available

  • The highest risk operation undertaken with Foot Passengers is downloading and the modest convenience this provides to a small number of people does not justify the risk. As such we the general public will not be permitted to download the lift.
  • Trained and appropriately equipped RAL staff (e.g. Maintenance team) may download the lift for operational reasons – this will not be a publicly available option and should not be misconstrued as such.

Dangerous goods

  • No combustible materials of any kind may be transported on the lift. This includes gas bottles, solid waste (rubbish), high alcohol spirits, fuels, explosives, aerosols or similar.

Interface with Clubs

RAL’s preference is to continue to work directly with the RMCA(approve sites) on this matter as the representative of the clubs.


Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:50

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