2025 Winchcombe Trophy
The Winchcombe Trophy is awarded annually to a club member who has made an outstanding contribution to the activities of the club during the previous year. The contribution can be in areas of leadership, work parties, social events, mentoring, or anything else which boosts the profile and vigour of the club. The General Committee decides the recipient from among the nominations received.
The method followed in the past for deciding the recipient used a formula which requires data no longer readily available. Consequently the General Committee has decided to try a new approach for awarding the trophy.
Nominations are sought for the 2025 award of the Winchcombe Trophy. Current members of the General Committee are not eligible. Nominations must be with the Chief Guide, Paul McCredie -> mailto:ttc [period] chief [period] guide [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 021 477 617 by no later than 14 July. Nominations can be made in writing or in person to any General Committee member. While not required, it would be helpful to the General Committee if you include a brief statement of why you think the person deserves the award.
Trophy recipients
"Presented by Alex Winchcombe in 1999 to the Tararua Tramping Club
and awarded at the Annual General Meeting to the club's most outstanding contributor."
2024 | Franz Hubmann |
2023 | Paul McCredie |
2022 | Peter Barber |
2021 | Kevin Mason |
2020 | Kristy Johnstone Sean Buchanan |
2019 | Colin Silva de Simas |
2018 | Anne Dowden |
2017 | Craig Morrison |
2016 | Colin Cook |
2015 | David Grainger |
2014 | Stu Hutson |
2013 | Simon Davis |
2012 | Mary Inglis Liz Martin |
2011 | Peggy Munn |
2010 | Judith Maxim Paul Maxim |
2009 | Alistair Betts |
2008 | Lindsay Cameron Barry Durrant |
2007 | Diane Head |
2006 | Vivienne Radcliffe |
2005 | Malcolm Cunningham |
2004 | Hugh Barr |
2003 | Syd Moore |
2002 | Ian Howat John Thomson |
2001 | Dave Reynolds |
2000 | Rodney Pfeffer |
1999 | Sue Cuthbertson |