
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Forum

A request to trip leaders, from the tramping organisers

When you have a trip report to deliver, please email it to us the at Alan Graham -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website , or Ann Walker -> mailto:ttc [period] weekly [period] activities [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 457 2624

Please don't add a new tramping report yourself on the Weekly Trips Summary page.

Website news

We are refreshing all photographs on the website. We are looking for digitised photos of not less than 1024 by 768 pixels and up to 1600 by 1200 pixels. Please contact Web team -> mailto:ttc [period] webteam [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website, or create a gallery page and upload your photographs directly.
Trip Categories
Trips are categorised by trip location and trip type.

Please help us by reading and categorising trip reports currently on the website.

Webteam vacancies

The webteam is seeking people to assist with keeping the content of the website up to date and fresh. A brief description of the content maintainer role is here. This is a non technical role that would take up to a couple of hours a week.

TTC News and notices
Request to join by email -> mailto:ttc [period] news+owner [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Please subscribe me to ttc [period] news&Body=Please provide any further information here
Visit email group
Post to ttc [period] news group -> mailto:ttc [period] news [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Post from TTC website
Unsubscribe by email -> mailto:ttc [period] news+unsubscribe [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Unsubscribe&Body=Send email now

Tararua Tramping Club welcomes club news and news from the Wellington Outdoor community.

You are most welcome to add interesting and informative updates to this page, or forward them to the Webteam.

Page last modified on 2024 May 17 19:48

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