
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

TTC Avalanche Transceiver

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Loan Avalanche Transceivers

The TTC actively encourages its members to wear avalanche transceivers when in the snow (eg trans-alpine tramping, skiing, climbing, boarding, ski touring, etc). It recognises the importance of these devices for rescues. TTC has acquired ten avalanche transceivers which are freely available for use by its members. Only club members can loan these transceivers.

If you need a transceiver it is likely that you will also need to carry a snow shovel and a snow probe to help detect and recover a buried person, you can get these from the club. Every member in a party should wear an avalanche transceiver above the snowline.

To book one for your trip contact the gear custodian: Joe Buysse -> mailto:ttc [period] gear [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on 027 571 8382 and fill out the Transceiver Booking Form

Conditions of use

Generally the user is responsible for ensuring that the unit is in good working condition when they collect it. Conducting a test is recommended. The user is responsible for ensuring that the transceiver is returned in good working order. Fair wear and tear is acceptable. Some simple examples around liability

  • You provide batteries for the transceiver - not the club
  • You loose the transceiver – you pay to replace it
  • You damage the transceiver – you pay to repair it
  • You loose the transceiver case – you pay to replace it
  • There is minor abrasion on the case or transceiver – this is fair wear and tear, and is therefore the clubs responsibility

It is the responsibility of the user to return the transceiver immediately after use to the person administering the transceivers. The user is responsible for any additional costs associated with the use, like courier charges, or costs associated with recovery of the transceivers.

See also

Trip Information Safety Gear

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:52

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