Club meetings are shared online with members and friends, using Google Meet web conferencing.
This guide is written with the clubrooms in mind, but can be used when giving a presentation for home.
Giving an online presentation at the clubrooms
TTC is happy to set up a prior practice meeting. Please contact Liz Martin -> mailto:ttc [period] clubnight [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 938 6311 or Julia Fraser -> mailto:ttc [period] clubnight [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 586 8466 or Elizabeth Bridge -> mailto:ttc [period] clubnight [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website. Please see the Presenter's guide for the prerequisites if you wish to use your own PC.
These instructions assume that the laptop's display setting is set to two screens: the laptop's screen and the data projector - i.e. on the clubroom's wall. At home this might be a second screen and that's what it is called below.
Don't panic if you don't have a second screen, haere tonu and skip the actions that involve a second screen, just use your primary screen.
Open the presentation on your device, then
- open Google Meet
- join the meeting by clicking Join now, not "
present". - in the meeting window, move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the screen to unhide the meeting's control bar.
meeting control bar |
- select Present now (
- select Entire Screen
- if presenting from home with only one screen you may like to try selecting 'a window'
- select the thumbnail that is visible on second screen and click Share
- display your presentation by entering PowerPoint presentation mode
- click on Slide Show (
), or drag the presentation window to the second screen.
- click on Slide Show (
Other controls on the screen are
- the menu, accessed from the vertical ellipsis (⋮) on the control bar
- attendees and chat, at top right
See also
- Guide-Meeting Setup Club Rooms Social Committee Guide for Setting up joint Online and Clubroom meetings
- Guide-Meeting Setup Online Social Committee Guide for setting up joint Online and Clubroom meetings
- Guide-Presenters Guide for TTC club night presenters at the clubrooms
- Online Hui Information to assist with attending hui online.