
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Social Committee Guide-Presenters-PowerPoint


Presenter's guide to PowerPoint

Media in your PowerPoint presentation

The club's data projector has a maximum resolution of 1024 horizontal x 768 vertical (or 720p).
To ensure your presentation includes media files you can export it

See also

To play an audio track for a slide or across slides in the backgroups see


PowerPoint-PointerOptions.png: 325x299, 8k (2020 Apr 12 05:46)
  • When presenting using a window your cursor is visible and can be used as a pointer
  • see also the viewer's guide for instructions on showing images, and playing audio and movies
  • TTC suggests that you compress the media in your PowerPoint presentation to provide a better experience. Microsoft provides the following recommendations:

Useful Powerpoint keyboard shortcuts to deliver presentations[1]

You may find it useful to be familiar with some PowerPoint keyboard controls:

F5start presentationShift+F5start presentation from current slide
spacenext (or N, enter, page down, right arrow, down arrow)backspaceprevious (or P, page up, left arrow, up arrow)
Bdisplay black screen (or full stop)Wdisplay white screen (or comma)
number entergo to slide numberEscend presentation (or hyphen)
tabgo to first or next hyperlink on a slideshift+tabgo to previous or last hyperlink on a slide
Media playback
Alt Qstop playbackCtrl+spaceplay or pause media
Alt Ptoggle pause and playAlt Umute sound
Alt upincrease soundAlt downdecrease sound

Mac OS X

If there is a problem presenting in a Google Meet video meeting, you should give your browser access to record your screen.
On an Apple Mac computer using macOS Catalina version 10.15 or later, let Firefox or the Chrome Browser access your computer’s screen recording:

  • Go to System preferences and then click Security and Privacy.
  • Click Privacy.
  • On the left, click Screen recording.
  • On the right, check the Google Chrome or Firefox box as required.

Page last modified on 2024 Aug 02 20:04

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