Meeting arrangements
We meet in the hall of our clubrooms at 4 Moncrieff Street, off lower Elizabeth Street in Mt Victoria. A car park outside the entrance will be reserved for you, marked by an orange cone. Please introduce yourself to the Social Committee member on duty. A club member will assist you to set up your presentation and on the use of the audio-visual equipment.
Please arrive by 7:10 p.m. to allow time to get ready for your presentation and have a cup of tea with us. Our meetings are scheduled to begin at 7:30 pm with some club notices and end at 8:30 pm. You will have about 40-45 minutes for your presentation, followed by questions from the audience for five to ten minutes from about 8:20.
Club night meetings/presentations are shared ‘live’ online with members and friends, via Google Meet web conferencing. See the Online Meeting Guide.
Please read this guide in conjunction with the online meeting presenters guide.
Audiovisual equipment and software
The club provides:
- A laptop running Windows 11 and presentation software (see below), set up to host both clubroom and online presentations simultaneously.
- A presenter's light for reading your notes.
- A stereo sound public address system for the hall with a choice of four types of microphones. Use of the head-worn microphone is recommended.
- A ceiling-mounted data projector with a maximum resolution of 1280 x 768, and a large wall screen.
- Powerpoint 2021
- Media: VLC media player, Photos, Films and TV, FastStone Image Viewer.
- Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Adobe Reader DC
- WiFi Internet connection. Please do not rely on this to access streaming content from the Internet.
- USB A and C drives. Alternatively, you can download or play your presentation from a cloud provider such as Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, Box etc. There is no DVD drive.
BYO device
If you wish to use your own laptop:
- it must be able to connect using a "type A HDMI plug" (see image), and have a headphone jack if your presentation contains audio.
- if your laptop has an "HDMI mini or micro socket", you will need to provide an adapter.
- it must also have Google Chrome installed and be capable of WiFi connection because it has the run the Google Meeting.
- it should also have a build in omni-directional microphone or be able to connect to the TTC "USB type A" omni-directional microphone.
Preparing and delivering your presentation
- Use presentation software such as Impress (free), PowerPoint, Google Slides (free), or Apple Keynote, or put your photos together as a collection in a folder, ordered by name. Our photo tips may also be useful.
- See the viewer's guide for photo presentation instructions and the PowerPoint guide
Copy your presentation onto a USB flash drive/memory stick to take to the clubrooms.
For the benefit of the online audience, please:
- use the onscreen pointer provided by the presentation software, or the mouse cursor
- repeat questions before answering them
- PowerPoint guide
- File viewer's guide to using the TTC laptop's file viewers for presentations
- Guide-Meeting Setup Club Rooms Social Committee Guide for Setting up joint Online and Clubroom meetings
- Guide-Meeting Setup Online Social Committee Guide for setting up joint Online and Clubroom meetings
- Guide-Presenters-Online Meeting Guide for TTC club night presenters for online meetings
- Online Hui Information to assist with attending hui online.
Please contact our club night talks organisers Liz Martin -> mailto:ttc [period] clubnight [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 938 6311 or Julia Fraser -> mailto:ttc [period] clubnight [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 586 8466 or Elizabeth Bridge -> mailto:ttc [period] clubnight [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website if you have any questions.