
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Social Committee Guide-Life And Fifty Year Members Night


Life and 50 years + Member's Night


We arrange this gathering for long time members of the club to meet and socialise.

Typically, the evening comprises an invitation-only gathering starting at around 6.30pm (drinks and nibbles are served) followed by a normal club night with a talk or presentation selected to suit the occasion.

See and update Life and 50 Year Member's Night. Our Who's Who has a list of life members.

Date and time

The date is the first Tuesday in November, unless notified otherwise.

Time: 18:30-19.30 - this is a pre-club night event.


The Social Committee does not need to provide any advertising material for this event as it is a private celebration for our 50 year and Life Members

  • invitations are sent by the Club President to all Life Members and Members with 50 years or more membership.
    • an RSVP is requested
    • the list of attendees is provided by the club roll person – currently Christine Whiteford -> mailto:ttc [period] clubroll [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website on (04) 475 3880
  • ensure General Committee and Social Committee are invited
  • Tuesday Night programme Organisers will organise a suitable speaker to follow
  • the Club President should advise the social committee of numbers for catering purposes and also provide name badges for the invited guests to wear
    • depending on the incumbent President, the Social Committee may need to chase details of who is coming
  • arrange for name badges
  • new life and 50 year members are presented with certificates and badges

Social Committee tasks

The Social Committee is responsible for preparing, serving and passing round drinks and nibbles

  • drinks -- typically soda, juice, and wine -- served in disposable plastic cups/ glasses
  • nibbles such as sandwiches, cheese, pâté. These can either be arranged individually or platters of sandwiches ordered from New World.
  • in 2010-11 the approved budget for food and drinks was $250. For the 2012/13, 2013/14 and 2014/15 years a formal budget hasn't been set for SC events.
  • these drinks and nibbles are cleared away by the Social committee and hot drinks are served as per a normal club night


  • at least four social committee members should be on hand from soon after 5pm to help prepare the food and drinks.
  • “sandwiches should not be far out (aim for mild flavours)” (thanks Jane P) Although the Wasabi peas were popular one year...

Page last modified on 2022 May 14 02:50

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