
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Social Committee Guide-Hosting Duty Cheat Sheet


Kia ora, this is a printable cheat sheet for club night hosting duty.

Nau mai, hoki mai ki te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua
Ko ahau tō kaiwhakataki / kaihautū mō te pō nei.
Ko your name tōku ingoa/ahau


Welcome to the Tararua Tramping Club
I am your Master of Ceremonies / leader for tonight
My name/ I am is your name

Print me

Hosting duty 'cheat sheet'

  • open the presentation cabinet to setup the laptop, turn on the projector at the wall
    • pro tip: the RCA sound cable is not required unless the presentation has audio
  • welcome the presenter when they arrive, offer them a cup of tea
    • explain the koha options
    • explain the online and hall audiences and two sound systems
    • explain the latest end time for the talk (8:30pm), encourage them not to run over
    • explain the microphone options
  • setup the online meeting on the laptop
    • pro tip: ensure 'Display Settings' are set to two screens
    • pro tip: ensure the windows sound setting for the browser is set to minimum if the presentation itself has sound
  • start the meeting at 7:30 with a mihi to the hall and to the online audiences
    • introduction to TTC, health and saftey (toilets and exits)
    • ask if there are any new people at the meeting and welcome them
    • President's notices
    • weekly activity reports
    • forthcoming trips
    • library
    • general notices
  • introduce the speaker; ask for questions at the end
  • after the talk moderate online and in person pātai, then thank the speaker (or arrange someone else to do so)
  • announce the club night topic for next week (see below) and close the meeting with a request to put the chairs away
  • return the laptop etc to the presentation cabinet and lock it, turn off projector and sound system

Geckos and skinks: lizards of the backcountry

11 February  Geckos and skinks: lizards of the backcountry Anna Yeoman

Anna shares stories and photographs from her new book, Geckos & Skinks: The Remarkable Lizards of Aotearoa, a collection of gripping tales about the discovery, study and conservation of New Zealand’s fascinating lizard species. Her book will be on sale for $55 - bring cash or arrange a bank transfer.

12Silverstream station to Silverstream stationEDavid Campbell021 231 1030 or 04 527 3752
12Birchville Dam, Cannon Point trigEMLinda Beckett027 417 5838
12Te Marua, Ridgeline Track, Norbert Creek Loop, returnMMary Perkins021 022 49134
12Pinnacle, return via Wattie's alternativeSFJoan Basher027 346 7700
12Cone. CANCELLED.FFranz Hubmann027 857 1612
15-26 FebSerpentine RangeMF multiJanette Roberts027 269 1222
Sun 16Mana IslandAllLainey Cowan04 973 3882
19Catchpool wanderRPeter Nixon027 373 2878
19Nga Taonga. Nature Trail and Clay Ridge LoopEDiana Barnes027 462 3698
19Whareroa including new Western Hills Track EMMarg Pearce234 8191
19Another Belmont BounderMCheryl McDonald021 895 296
19Sayer Hut, with off-track circuitSFMary Kane021 079 4202

Adventures in Kenya and Tanzania 
 Philippa Grimes

18 February  Adventures in Kenya and Tanzania Philippa Grimes

Philippa cycled on remote back roads in Kenya and Tanzania, camped with local families, viewed wildlife in the Ngorongoro Crater, and climbed Mt Kilimanjaro via the Machame Route.

Page last modified on 2024 Jul 09 09:29

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