
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

President 2022-12 Hakihea

2022-12 Hakihea Pānuitanga a te Tumuaki

E roa a raro, e tata a runga
The journey is far, but the sky is closer.

This whakataukī originates from the pūrākau (traditional story) about Tāharākau, a prominent ancestor of the Rongowhakaata (Gisborne) peoples, who went off on a tramp (as it would have been in those days) to visit Wairoa with Te Angiangi, a Rangatira. Te Angiangi asked Tararākau why his chiefly clothing was wrapped in pākē (raincoats), and his response was this whakataukī. Needless to say, on the haerenga (journey) it rained and Te Angiangi became wet and started to suffer from exposure. The akoranga (lesson) is to be prepared for all circumstances!

Tēnā korua i roto i ngā āhuatanga o te wā. Greetings to you all and the circumstances of the time.

We have recently farewelled Brenda Neill. The length and breadth of her contributions to the club were outstanding. Moe mai rā e te Rangatira!

Speaking of rain, many would say there was too much during the ski season on Ruapehu Maunga. The result of this and other factors is that Ruapehu Alpine Lifts (RAL) has gone into voluntary administration.

This is a matter of substantial significance to the club as, to misquote a senior club member’s correspondence to me, 'you'd have to be mad to have a ski lodge without a ski field'. Tararua Lodge operates on the income from the ski season. Without that income, the operating costs and financial provision for removing the lodge must be found elsewhere. The General Committee last year started making financial provision to remove the lodge, a very expensive operation, at the end of its licence renewal period (work party anybody?). Potential impacts include increased club membership fees and having to sell the hall to remove the lodge. There is a useful background paper on the website AGM page.

RAL was set up by the mountain community. Mountain clubs and the wider mountain community including business, ski field users, and others may be able, through making financial contributions, to help maintain continuation of skiing at Whakapapa, thus securing an income from the lodge.

At our Extraordinary General Meeting on 15 November, we passed changes to the club’s Rules concerning tenure of officers and ordinary members of the General Committee. The rule changes proposed by the General Committee were passed with an amendment to allow a member who has served as Secretary, Treasurer or Chief Guide for six years to stand at the next General Meeting for election to the office of President or Vice-President or be appointed to the General Committee.

After speaking last month about additions to the webteam this year, I have to note that, following the resignation of one of our team members to travel overseas, the webteam is now well under-resourced. Fortunately all club members can update the website, and I encourage you to continue to do so.

We are in looking for people to fill the following positions to keep your club operating:

  • Treasurer
  • Vice-President
  • Huts and Tracks Officer
  • Maintainers of Tararua Footprints, the guide for trampers in the Tararua Range.
  • Bushcraft Coordinator
  • Webteam vacancies, social media channel and publicity roles

All these positions can be shared.

Kua mutu tāku kōrero, kia ora mai tātou.

Simon Davis

Pānui 2022

Page last modified on 2023 Feb 05 08:06

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