
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

President 2022-11 Whiringa ā-rangi

2022-11 Whiringa ā-rangi Pānuitanga a te Tumuaki

Mā te huruhuru ka rere te manu
Adorn the bird with feathers so it may soar.

This whakataukī is saying that, whether you are young or old, there’s always room to grow. Learning a new skill, solving problems, and helping others are just some of the many ‘feathers’ you can wear in order to soar high.

Tēnā korua i roto i ngā āhuatanga o te wā. Greetings to you all and the circumstances of the time.

First thing in November we have our life and 50 year members’ night. If your invitation has gone astray please contact Cathy or myself. It is wonderful to catch up with our kaumātua (people of status within the club) and recognise their participation and commitment to the club.

On 15 November we are holding a Special General Meeting to put recommended rule changes to you. The outcome we are looking for is that duration of service as a General Committee member does not restrict duration of service as a club officer. That is, tenure of the offices of Treasurer, Secretary, and Chief Guide is brought into alignment with tenure of the offices of Vice-President and President.

It has been increasingly difficult to fill all the General Committee positions. Making the proposed rule changes will give the flexibility the General Committee needs to ensure sufficient continuity of knowledge by allowing retention of General Committee members willing to serve when we cannot immediately fill vacancies.

Amie Claridge has decided to step down as the club’s Vice-President.The roles of Vice-President and Chief Guide are both large ones and Amie has been really committed to them. I thank Amie for everything she has done in these roles. Her support of my role and across the General Committee has been everything you could want. I’m grateful for that support and that she remains Chief Guide.

I also wear the pōtae (hat) of webmaster. We have had two additions to the webteam this year, one from the Website Review Committee, and I am appreciative of their contribution to the club. I have had to step back from some of the day to day operation of the website because of my workload. Even with our two new web team members, I have found that the web team is unable to complete all the tasks required in a timely manner. The website review is in the hands of the web team, and I hope it will receive input soon.

Nō reira, we are looking for people to fill the following positions to help keep your club operating:

  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Vice-President
  • Hut and Tracks Officer
  • Editor and contributors toTararua Footprints, the guide for tramper’s in the Tararua Range.
  • Bushcraft Coordinator
  • Club representatives for FMC and Greater Wellington Backcountry Network (formerly TARHC)
  • Social committee members
  • Helpers to assist the webteam and carry out tasks involving social media channels and publicity

All these roles can be shared.

Kua mutu tāku kōrero, kia ora mai tātou.

Simon Davis

Pānui 2022

Page last modified on 2022 Dec 03 13:00

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