
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

President 2022-08 Hereturikōkā

2022-08-01 Hereturikōkā Pānuitanga a te Tumuaki

E mao ana ki ua, e ua ana ki mao

It is fine until it rains, it rains until it is fine

Tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai hoki mai ki ētahi atu tumuaki e kōrero ana.
Welcome back to another President’s kōrero.

As always, our club is a busy place. This week I attended and thoroughly enjoyed our quiz night. Whakamihi to last year's winning team, whose prize was to run this year's event. What a good job you did. This is an annual event, thoroughly enjoyable, and I recommend it to everyone, so keep an eye out for it next year. I am looking forward to this year’s winning team’s efforts.

At this time of year the General Committee starts organising the Annual General Meeting. While it's not quite of the order of a Budget it's a large amount of work, especially by the Secretary, Cathy, and the Treasurer, Chris. A number of groups and sub-committees contribute to the Annual Report.

The Annual General Meeting is a good time to step forward to support your club’s future, in a committee or official role or in one or more of the many other roles available.

Notably this year we are looking for a Treasurer and another person to assist with the Treasurer role, new General Committee members, a submission writer to enable the club to protect stewardship land. If there is some way in which you would like to specifically contribute to the club please speak with Amie, Cathy or myself.

We have just held our Volunteers’ Night which we hold during Volunteers’ Week. It’s a great opportunity for everyone who volunteers for the club to get together and to be acknowledged. If somehow we overlooked your volunteer efforts, please reach out to me; we want to recognise all our volunteers.

Winter is winter sports time. We recently had our winter activities club night, the lodge is ready to go, and the ski and lodge trips are up on the website, with booking forms. Get out there.

Sarah White is working hard on increasing the number of Saturday and weekend trips. Please support her and contact her if you feel you could lead a trip or would like to get into leading these trips.

Mānawatia a Matariki. We celebrate, for the first time, Matariki as a public holiday. Matariki is a time to gather together for remembrance, to celebrate the present and to look to the future. It is a celebration that marks te tau hou Māori, the Māori new year. I hope that, in our own ways, we will all be able to mark and celebrate this time.

Kia ora mai tātou
Tumuaki o te rōpū hīkoi Tararua

The whakataukī is not just a saying about the weather (apposite for tramping), but refers to good times alternating with bad.

Pānui 2022

Page last modified on 2022 Dec 03 13:00

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