
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

President 2022-07 Hōngongoi

2022-07 Hōngongoi Pānuitanga a te Tumuaki

Whāia e koe ki te iti kahurangi, kia tāpapa koe, he maunga tiketike

Follow your treasured aspirations, and if you falter, let it be because of insurmountable difficulties.

E mihi ana ahau ki a koutou. Nau mai hoki mai ki ētahi atu tumuaki e kōrero ana.
Greetings and welcome to another President’s kōrero.

This month I have the sad duty of recording the loss of Ian Howat as the result of a tragic accident during a club weekend trip on Mt Ruapehu. Ian, a long time club member, was a keen mountain man who enjoyed being in the great outdoors as part of the club.

I’d like to acknowledge and thank all those on the trip, participants and leaders, for the competent and caring way they looked after each other.

There were some lovely eulogies at Ian’s farewell and tributes to him are published elsewhere in this issue. We will miss Ian and his participation in the club.

The club takes such events very seriously. I have set up an Incident Review Committee to operate under existing guidelines and wish to thank four senior club members, Nina Sawicki, Paul Maxim, Peter Smith, and Dave Reynolds, who are serving on it.

The aim of a review is to understand what happened and see what lessons can be learnt, in order to help the club’s management to enable and support our members and leaders to take part in safe, enjoyable activities by ensuring that best safety practices apply on all trips. The review process may also assist those involved in an accident to come to terms with it by understanding what happened and why.

Reviews do not set out to apportion blame. Rather, they analyse an incident to see:

  • what was done well and should be positively reinforced; and
  • what can be improved on future trips.

Submissions to the review are confidential and are seen only by the reviewers. They are not retained after the review is finalised and accepted by the General Committee.

All the Ruapehu trip participants have all been contacted personally by the Review Committee and asked if they would like to contribute to the review by providing information and discussing it with the reviewers. There is no formal process; instead it is intended to make input into the review as comfortable as possible. The more and wider input we get, the better the review will be.

After all feedback has been received, a report will be presented to the General Committee, which will act upon its recommendations and inform club members via the Tramper. I’d like to thank all those on the Ruapehu trip for their input into the review.

Tumuaki o te rōpū hīkoi Tararua

Pānui 2022

Page last modified on 2022 Dec 03 13:00

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