
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

Photos Photo Tips

Michael Taylor Memories < Photos > Simon Bell Memories

Image EXIF data

Organising photographs

These tips can bu used to help organise and arrange your photos in folder on you computers and recommend a pattern for file names.

EXIF metadata

Digital photographs contain "EXIF" information (metadata) from the camera or phone about the photograph that makes organising photographs from a trip much easier. The date and time, and Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates are the most valuable attributes. Ensure any camera you purchase has GPS. All phones have GPS; always enable GPS on your phone camera app.

Date and time

To gain full use of these tips ensure that all cameras on a trip are set to the same date and time.

  • especially after daylight saving time changes
  • when travelling overseas update the date and time to local time for every timezone

After the trip upload all your photographs from the camera or phone to your computer.

Renaming photographs to include date and time in the filename

Renaming photographs to prefix the filename with date and time assists with

  • chronologically arranging the photographs from different phones and cameras using the filename's date and time prefix
  • avoids overwriting photographs when there are two photographs with the same name (many cameras use similar file naming schemes)

Rename all photographs to include in the file name the

  • the date and time the photo was taken (use the format "yyyy-mm-dd") as the file name prefix. If the photo does have EXIF data the webteam can easily add this.
  • the name of the photographer
  • suffix the name with the place or description
Using renamer

Thus a good filename could look like "yyyy-mm-dd photoId photographer - brief description"

Automatic captions

The website can, and tries to, automatically generate captions for photographs, if the file name of the photograph follows one of two conventions:

  • using this file naming convention above convention allows a caption to be automatically generated for the photograph from the filename and used on the website, see the two examples at the bottom of this page
  • using the Photo Competition naming convention

Renamer tool

The best way to rename photographs on Windows is to use the free "Renamer".
Renamer uses a set of rules to rename the photograph using the internal EXIF information, and information you add to the rules.
Download suggested rules for use in Renamer. These rules do the following

  • prefix the file name with the date and time of the photograph obtained from the information from the camera in the photograph
  • suffix "Your Name" to the photograph
  • change the file extension to ".jpeg" (you can disable this rule)
  • tidy up and remove superfluous spaces in the file name

The original file name is preserved.

After installing Renamer run it to ensure the following settings are made:

Enable meta tag support
"Enable meta tag support"
Enable Add to ...
"Enable Add to ..."

Then it is easy to right mouse click on the folder of photographs and select the "Add to Renamer" option.

Photograph folder naming

A good convention for folder naming is "yyyy-mm-dd Place or event name", eg "2021-05-12 Arthur's Pass expedition"

FastStoneImageViewerChangeTimeStamp.png: 466x293, 15k (2021 Mar 07 09:45)


If your camera has a panorama mode use it to take a series of panoramic photos. If not try to ensure that exposure settings are as similar as is possible for each exposure. When taking photos ensure that each overlaps by ½ to ⅓ on each edge you wish to join. To join or stitch photos together there are a number of commercial products, some of which may be supplied with a camera, and the following free software:

or online

  • CleVR online stitch photos

Adjusting photograph EXIF date and time

If the camera time was wrong, for example no date and time was set, in a different time zone, or the time was not updated for daylight saving, there is a free for personal use program that can help fix this - FastStone Image Viewer. Note: always make a copy of all your photographs before doing this.

Use the Change Timestamp option under Tools

FastStoneImageViewerLosslessRotate.png: 492x224, 19k (2021 Mar 07 10:09)

Rotating photographs

Most cameras place the camera orientation when the photograph was taken in the EXIF information, eg Portrait or Landscape. You can use the FastStone Image Viewer to losslessly rotate all portrait images (recommended). Simply open a folder in FastStone Image Viewer, select all images (ctrl-a) then use the JPEG Lossless Rotate under Tools to Auto-Rotate based on EXIF Orientation Tag.

  • this is required when displaying photographs on website. For historical compatibility reasons browsers do not action photo's orientation metadata attribute.

Other useful software

See also

  • Adding Photos  How to easily add photos to the TTC's photo galleries
  • Photos  Handling of photographs on the club website

Referenced software

-< First: FullName="Photos.2024-PhotoCompetitionResults"; group="Photos"; name="-HomePage,-*Template*,-RandomImage,-Test*,-Recent*,-Group*,-PhotoCompetition,-*PhotoCompetitionRules*,-SideBar,-*Index*"; thumbname=""; thumbskip="*.gif|*.png|*_omit*"; order="random"; order2="name"; count="1"; thumbcount="1"

click to see gallery

Tararua TC Jim Gibbons Ruapehu in the predawn light from Tukino Rd  15sec
Photo: Jim Gibbons

Original size: 3,711 x 2,475; 2,686 kB
Tararua TC Jim Gibbons Ruapehu in the predawn light from Tukino Rd 15sec

Photo: Jim Gibbons

-< First: FullName="Photos.2009-12-05-MorisonBush"; group="Photos"; name="-HomePage,-*Template*,-RandomImage,-Test*,-Recent*,-Group*,-PhotoCompetition,-*PhotoCompetitionRules*,-SideBar,-*Index*"; thumbname=""; thumbskip="*.gif|*.png|*_omit*"; order="random"; order2="name"; count="1"; thumbcount="1"

click to see gallery

; '2009 Dec 06 10:48'
Original size: 1,024 x 676; 232 kB

Page last modified on 2024 Aug 10 03:34

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