
Tararua Tramping Club

Te rōpū hikoi o te pae maunga o Tararua   -   Celebrating 100 years of tramping

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Field Hut-Gallery < Photos > Michael Taylor Memories Photos from Tararua Annuals

Here are the Historic Photos that were shown in a slideshow at the 2015 50+ Years and Lifemembers Evening. All photos were scanned from the Tararua Annual.

(Please note that these are photos of photos in the printed Annuals of the 1970s and '80s. In time we will able to post better scans of these photos. In all cases the photographer's name is part of the filename.)

Pamela Gates, , Bill Gates, John and Edith Gates, Mountain House 1957
Andy Anderson, Ian Baine, Greg Royale
Andy Anderson 1950s
Graham Mc Cullum, John Gates
Greg Royale, Ray Burrell, 1960s
1987 NZ Karakoram Expedition
Albert Hines 1904 - 1978
Allan Baxter
Allen Howell
Anatoki Peaks and the Dragons Teeth
- Hugh Barr
Asado for lunch
- Rob Munster
At Broderick Pass
- Virginia Henderson
Bill Nixon 1926-1985
Bill Olsen
Billy boiling Catchpool
- Michelle Dickson
Brian Mason
Brunner Range saddle Party Lindsay and Sue Cuthbertson Michele Dickson Yvonne Ashworth
Simon Coventry Peter Jagger-leader - Sue Cutherbertson
Camp Pensi La 4200m
- John Gates
Campsite - Looking up at Dart Glacier
- Pat Begley
Carol on Small Pocks
- Phil Castle
Carol prepares the Refresh
- Phil Castle
Chas Shaw
- Hugh Barr
Chilung La 5300m
- John Gates
Christmas Morning Delta Corner Ruapehu
- Philip Castle
David Fyfe
David McDonald 1913-1979
David Melville and the Drunken Sailor
- Hugh Barr
Deep Snow in the Douglas
- Lock
Diana Munster and Jennifer Mason in
South Branch Wilkin Mt Perseus - Hugh Barr
Diana and the Boot
- Hugh Barr
Donald Viggers 1908 - 1980
Earnslaw Summit Team
- David Melville
Easter 1987
Central Te Hoe Hut
Eleanor Burrell
Evening camp on Hunter Pass
- Grant Stotter
Farquharson Saddle foot of Retreat Snowfield
- Peter Jagger
Fennella Hut
- Tony Sargent
Finish of the Trampers Marathon Race 1982
- Peter Jagger
Fitting Crampons on the way to Ramsay
Flight 925 with Louper Peak behind
- Hugh Barr
Flooded side-creek in Upper Ōtoko
- Peter Jagger
Francis Mob
- Francis Dickinsen
Franklin from Head of East Sabine
- David Clarke
From the top of Alarm
- Philip Castle
Garden of Eden from Baker looking west
- Rob Munster
Gerald Randall Ivory Lake
- Peter Jagger
Graham McCallum
Haidinger from Fox Glacier
- Hugh Barr
Ian Simpson and Sue Cuthbertson on Mt St Mary
- Peter Jagger
Jenny Foggo
Jenny Mason and Yvonne Ashworth crossing the Kokatahi River
- Peter Jagger
Jenny Wilson Margot Bowden Tony Hay at Ada Hut
- Malcolm McConnell
John Gates
John Gates Skins up towards Pioneer Pass
- Hugh Barr
John Magurk
John in the mist at Noisy Bivouac
- Peter Jagger
Joyce Royle Tongariro National Park
- Greig Royle
Junior Marathon 1977 1
- Edith Gates
Junior Marathon 1977 2
- Edith Gates
Kime Hut 2 metal cladding
- Graham McCallum
Kime Hut 2 roof panels
- Frank Fitzgerald
Kime Hut 2 wall panels
- Frank Fitzgerald
Kime Hut April 1978
- John Rippon
Kime Hut Opening Weekend April 1978 1
- Tony Hay
Kime Hut Opening Weekend April 1978 2
- Tony Hay
Kime Hut Opening Weekend April 1978 3
- Tony Hay
Kime Hut Opening Weekend April 1978 4
- Tony Hay
Kime Hut Opening Weekend April 1978 5
- Tony Hay
Lake Constance
- Malcolm McConnell
Logan Paterson
Logan and Neil leaving Angelus
Looking down the Burgoo towards Anatoki Peaks
- Alison Whitmore
Looking towards Mt. Whitcombe from the Wanganui Valley
- Dave Clark
Looking west from La Perouse
- Philip Castle
Lunch break Kime 2 working party
- Pat Begley
Margot Bowden Christine Lock Jill and Liam Thompson Dennis Gee Gilbert McCaul leader
Neil McDonald John Reiner Barry Rothera John Taylor
Nancy Stevenson
Nick Weatherhead Paul Nixon Tony Gates and Scamp on Arete
- Hugh Barr
On Cone Looking Towards Tararua Peaks
- Brian Hunt
On the slopes of Mt. Arrowsmith;
Tony Gates, Chris Mansell, Paul Maxim, Ian Munro, Judith Nicol, Craig Stobo, Howard Symmes
On the summit of Mt. Oblong
- John Taylor
On the way from Cheeseman to Broken River
- Pat Begley
Palmer Lodge Broken River Day Shelter
- Margot Bowden
Parents and babies at the Kaitoke Waterworks
Party at Stone Hut
- Heather Cormack
Party on Dun Mountain
- Diana Barnes
Party on Lookout in Abel Tasman National Park
- Hugh Barr
Pat Begley, Chief Guide 1976-78, in a Snow Cave in the Garden of Eden
- Philip Castle
Pat Thorn and Dean Stotter splash down the Beans Burn with Fohn Saddle Behind
- Hugh Barr
Peter Coleman and the head of the Rakaia
- Hugh Barr
Peter Whiteford, Hugh Barr, and David McCrone at Arawata Rock Bivvy
- Chas Shaw
Peter and Chris at first icefall Snow White
- Hugh Barr
Phil Castle traversing slab on Spencer
Rest stop enroute to Freshwater Landing;
Party Peter Scott, Frances Bassett, Trevor Fisher, Janet Gabites, Tony Hay, Janet Keilar, Dave Legerton, Carolyn Lyon, Graham Lyon, Elizabeth Stipkovits
Rob on Cathedral looking across to Tronadar
Rock 1 at Baring Head
- Phil Castle
Rock Bivvy Upper Forgotten
- Malcom McConnell
Rosemary Rees
Russell Braddock on the Central Gullies South Face of Hicks
- Phil Castle
Sefton from The Footstool
- John Rippon
Sefton from Welcome Pass; Trevor Henderson, Phil Harris, Grant Stotter, Phil Castle, Brian Farrant, Tony Hay
- Philip Castle
Sheiks on the Garden of Allah
- John Gates
Ski-touring Lunch on Mt. Ngāuruhoe
Ski-touring Mts. Tongariro and Ngāuruhoe Mangatepopo Track
Ski Trails at Broken River
- Margot Bowden
Skinning to Drummond
- David Castle
Ski planes on the Murchison Glacier
- Philip Castle
Snow Dome from Whitcombe
- Philip Castle
Stella Gibbs
Stew time on Fox Neve, Christmas 1953;
Betty Cracknell, Greig Royle, Don Rodgers, Ian Baine, Maurice Perry, John Rowe
Sue Peter Gerald Mike at Avoca Hut
- David Castle
Sue at the Arnst Basin campsite
- Peter Jagger
Sue at the campsite above Pell Stream
- Peter Jagger
Sue cooks tea on Snodgrass
- Norman Hawcroft
Summit parties 25 December
- David McCrone
TTC Bedford van
TTC Centennial Climb of Mt. Ngāuruhoe
- Hugh Barr
Ted Nolan
Terrys group 8 of the 40
- Terry Pinfold
The Hopkins Meet
- Rona Spencer
The Human Ladder Wanganui valley South Island
The Party on the Kaimanawas
- Hugh Barr
They Really Skied on Holdsworth!
- Gates photo
Thompsons Hut Rakaia Valley
- Hugh Barr
Through the tussock Lake Heron
- Hugh Barr
Lindsay Cuthbertson Norman Hawcroft
- Jenny Mason
Trampers Marathon
- Bill Castle
Trampers Marathon
- Chris Thorn
Trampers Marathon
- Keith Wood
Trampers Marathon Race Winner
- Doug Sinclair
Trampers Marathon
- Roger Coventry
Upper Dart campsite
- Tony Gates
Upper Rakaia Nicolson and Malcolm
- Philip Castle
View towards Leader Creek from Tutoko Valley
- Philip Castle
View towards Olivine Flats
- Dave Clarke
Waiohine River
- John Rippon
Wally Neill and Andy Andersen at Otaki Forks
Wally Neill and Bob at Kime
Wally Neill with Ben and Whitey transporting materials
Where we had been
- David Fisher
Whitcombe from below Snow Dome
- Philip Castle
Yvonne Ashworth and Jenny Mason look down to the Rock Burn Valley on a climb of Minos Sugarloaf Pass behind
- Hugh Barr
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Creative Commons License These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs
4.0 International License

Page last modified on 2023 Nov 07 07:28

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