2024-06-09 Leslie Karamea Wangapeka Valleys < Photos > Field Hut-Gallery
How to easily add photos to the TTC's photo galleries
Contributing photographs for a photo gallery on 'Our photos' home page
NB. Photo galleries must illustrate club-related activities.
Number of photos
There is no set limit to the number of photos that can be included in a photo gallery.
Type and size of photos
Original photos and edited photos that you have cropped, stitched, or otherwise adjusted are both fine. Should you encounter the large size limit for uploading photos please contact the Web team -> mailto:ttc [period] webteam [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website.
Uses of photo galleries
- People who went on a trip featured in a photo gallery have a permanent photographic record of the trip
- People planning a trip can visit a photo gallery or galleries of the trip for visual and other information.
- Photos are used for random display on other pages of the website, to illustrate what we do and where we do it.
What works well and adds value:
- People shown in photos are identified by name
- All photos have captions and name the photographer
- Photos showing great views of 'exotic' and interesting places. (For example photo competition photos).
- Text can be included to describe and explain.
Organising photos
- up to 30 photos per page is fine
- group like photos together e.g. photos taken on the same day or at the same place, or photos of a particular part of a trip.
I want to contribute. How do I get started?
First, get the photos off your phone or camera to where they can be shared or uploaded. Google photos on Android phones and iPhones can be configured to upload photos automatically.
Then you can:
- create a photos page and drag and drop your photos onto the page
- share a link with the Web team -> mailto:ttc [period] webteam [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website to the photos in Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud, Dropbox, etc.
Creating a photo page
On the photos homepage find the 'Create a new photo page' button and field on the right.
Enter the page name, e.g. '2025-02-16-Tararua Lodge
' and click on the button.
Then you will see something like this
This shows a 'text box' containing highlighted text. You can modify this text to put the content you want on the web page.
Modifying the photo page
Now the page is created it is possible to:
- drag and drop multiple photos at a time onto the 'Drop files to upload' box
- edit the highlighted text in the box to make changes (see how to for more on editing)
- click in the box where you wish to add or change text
- add a page summary, e.g. by replacing the text '
add your description here
' - attribute photos to the photographer, e.g. by inserting a line such as '
Photographer: Hoani Rōpata
- add other information about the trip or the photos
- at the bottom of the text box add your name, a change summary, and click on the 'Save' button.
Photo names and captions
If you do not supply a caption, the website will try to create one from the photo name. It understands names of files in the format:
yyyy-mm-dd hh.mm.ss photoId photographer name - brief description used as the caption
The date, time, photo ID, and photographer's name are optional.
- Photos are displayed on a page in alphabetically ascending file name order, which is a reason why having the date and time as a suffix to the photo name works well.
Here are two equivalent ways of giving two photos (e.g. P972642.jpg
and IMG27354.jpeg
) the same captions:
P972642 Party in the Ōhau River above South Ōhau Hut.jpg
2025-02-16 IMG27354 Ariana Te Kaha - Waterfall in the Tauwharenīkau headwaters.jpeg
(:thumbgallery:) P972642.jpg | Party in the Ōhau River above South Ōhau Hut IMG27354.jpeg | Waterfall in the Tauwharenīkau headwaters?n''Photo'': Ariana Te Kaha (:thumbgalleryend:)
- the photo filename must be the same as the uploaded filename
- the caption goes on the right after the vertical bar ("
") - the markup "
" inserts a line break in the caption.
Is more information available?
Ask the web team for help.
You may find the following useful:
- Photos Handling of photographs on the club website
- Photo Tips Photographic organisation tips