2021-Photo Competition Rules < Photos > 2023-Photo Competition Rules
2022 TTC Photo competition
Tuesday 23rd August 2022
This year’s competition will be held on Tuesday 23rd August.
Entries close on 2nd August.
The winning and runner-up photographs in each category except Humour will be forwarded to FMC for entry in the 2022 FMC Photo Competition. The FMC competition does not include a humour section.
Have a look at previous winning photos on the photo competition results pages and the (-) photo competition results |2022 winning entries.
- ABOVE BUSHLINE (no human element) ABN
- ABOVE BUSHLINE (with human element) ABW
- BELOW BUSHLINE (no human element) BBN
- BELOW BUSHLINE (with human element) BBW
- Photos must have been taken by the entrant
- Each entrant may enter up to TWO photos in each category
- Adjustments are allowed for exposure, white balance, contrast and levels
- Cropping is allowed
- Stitching is allowed for panoramic images
- Removal or insertion of features not in the original images is not allowed.
- Photos except those entered in the Historic category must have been taken after 1st January 2021
- ‘No human element’ means no tracks, signs, huts or people should be visible in the photo
- Photos must have been taken in Aotearoa.
- A contact phone number must be provided.
How to enter
All entries must be submitted electronically as .jpeg
files, with a file size between 1 MB and 5 MB.
Please code the file name correctly: e.g. ABNTararuaTCMereSmithOverlookingHoldsworth.jpeg
Digital entries, clearly labelled, can be emailed to Rob Vanderpoel -> mailto:ttc [period] photo [period] competition [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website&Subject=Photo competition entry. Please ensure you supply your name and phone number.
An email will be sent to entrants to confirm receipt of the photos entered in the competition.
Emailed photos should be sent individually if they are large.
Photo DVDs and USB drives with correct file names, name, and phone number can be given to Muriel Christianson at a club night meeting.
The competition
Each category winner will receive a copy of their entry on canvas stretched onto a frame.
On the night of the photo competition we show as many entries as we can, within the constraints of a club night meeting.
All entries will be featured on the club's website.
Any queries? Please contact Rob Vanderpoel -> mailto:ttc [period] photo [period] competition [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website&Subject=Photo Competition on 021 455 873 or Alan Knowles -> mailto:ttc [period] photo [period] competition [snail] ttc [period] org [period] nz?Subject=Query from TTC website&Subject=Photo Competition on 027 459 3999.
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